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5/23/2016 3:52:56 PM

What will your Dead Ghost Fragment say?

Let's get creative and post your own Ghost Fragments about your character below! Here is what I'd like my Ghost Fragment to say (I warn you, it's a long one): [b]Legend: Rossie[/b] [spoiler]It is dark, so dark. I cannot see my Guardian. I can faintly hear the shots from his handcannon and the whistle of his bow in the distance. These are the only sounds to be heard at all. He is desparate, he has lost me in these black, jagged caves. My Light is starting to fade and so I will begin to erase the all of the data I have collected over the many years I spent with him. I recount what brought us here, to the moon: *Some time earlier* [i]Zavala: Guardian, Cayde's scouts have picked up some strange Hive activity on the moon. I want you to go the centre of it and deal with them before they become an issue. I've transmitted the details to your Ghost. Good luck out there. *upon arrival to Luna* Eris: I sense something, the churning hellmouth has now fallen silent. Strange... Something is happening. Find the source. *at the gates of Temple of Crota* Cayde: Guardian stop, you need to get out! The Hive are planning an ambu- (radio crackling) Ghost: Radios gone, we've lost them. What do you want to do? Guardian: I don't like this. Somethings off. Let's get back to the ship. *A single roar is heard before everything turns black*[/i] I rise to be separated from my Guardian in a dark, unmapped area of the Hellmouth hearing only faint gunfire and silence. The seconds fly by and soon he has fallen silent. I am alone in the dark abyss of the Hellmouth where the shadows have eyes and the ground has teeth. Then I begin to hear something far away. Almost a whisper in the night. The Hive are here and they are watching me. I try to find a path, something to lead me to outside but all I see is nothingness. The whispers is louder now. I can begin to determine what the sound is. They are chanting quietly in the distance in some form of ritual. The same single word over and over. I begin to see a light as I move toward the chanting. I can see him. But he is limp, and out of my reach. The Hive are in circle around his lifeless corpse, chanting and chanting with their hands risen, almost in gratitude. They are larger the normal acolytes and knights found on the moon. They have broader shoulders with peculiar green energy spilling off them like mist. Their eyes are black and empty like the Darkness, instead of the green glow they usually have. I try to reach him but I'm forced back by an unyielding power which blocks my quickly fading Light. Their chanting grows louder and louder until an explosion of Darkness erupts from the body of the once Light filled Guardian I traveled with for so long. The mass of Darkness is writhing as I hide behind a rock, not daring to look. The Hive chanting now turns to screeching and roars as the ball of Dark takes its shape. In a deep, low thundering voice the being roars "THERE IS LIGHT HERE, SHOW YOURSELF!" I am propelled against my will out from behind the rock to face the creature. It's Darkness fills the whole room. Only a faint outline can be seen of it. It sees me and thunders: "LIGHT, I AM NOKRIS! AND I AM THE HERALD OF YOUR END!" *Loud thunderous noises before unending silence* - End of fragment.[/spoiler] What do ya think? What's yours? Let me know!

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  • [b]Legend: The Executioner[/b] [spoiler]*bzzzt* " Hey, is this thing on?" "Yes, is." "Ok...good,, where do I start?" *numerous Taken Thrall noises in background* "I don't have much time left...I think. Not so sure yet. We'll see. Heh..." *loud banging noises* "Guardian, you might want to speed things up a bit." "Yeah,'re right. Ok...Here goes." "My name is Ryker, I'm a Warlock. Most of you know me by my little nickname Cayde gave me, "The Executioner"...or not. But you do now...whatever." "Anyways, I'm the kind of guy who loves to, well..."brutalize" enemies in what you would say would be "graphic" ways. Not gonna get into it now, but let's just say it gets nasty when I'm around." "So I was with some other guardians hanging out by Skywatch, doing patrol missions, playing pranks on the Fallen. Good times..." "But after a while, some beginner Hunter, you could tell by the Cloak he wore, comes along and asks for some help from me in killing this one Taken guy that comes to Skywatch all the time: Irxori, Lost to Oryx." "Oh man.. did I have a good laugh. I told him that I'd help him kill Irxori...for a price. I told him that I'd activate my Three of Coins and that any sort of engram that drops from Irxori goes to me, but if it turns into a Hunter Exotic when i decrypt it at the Cryptarch, he could have it. Fair deal, right?" "So he said okay. While we wait for a for the Taken to arrive, and we chat for bit. I learn a little bit about him. He remembers a little bit of what happened to him before he died. Used to be a mechanic, had a daughter. The fallen came and for some reason took his daughter, didn't kill her. I was confused as he was when he said that." *banging noises get louder* "Guardian..." "Hey, shut up out there! I'm trying to tell a good last story! Jeez, talk about criticism..." "Anyways, he's still looking for leads on where his daughter could be. And for some reason that's what lead him to killing Irxori, thinking a former Fallen Kell could give him answers. I didn't want to tell him that the Taken are already dead the moment Oryx touched them...and what the Fallen do to prisoners. Ive seen things...things no living person could stomach enough hate for. It wouldve broken his heart to find out...I felt sorry for him." "Before he could finish talking, the Taken had arrived just as planned. We killed the Taken Captains, and sure enough Irxori came. But for some reason it felt...different. With Irxori came dozens of Thralls by his side. I called one of my buddies over to help take care of the Thralls." "While we were fighting, a Thrall came over to the man I was helping. He just knifed it in the head and kept going...until I saw the purple engram drop. He was amazed by it and didn't even notice until it was too late that 6 Thralls came and were about to kill him. I rushed over there as fast as I could, and blocked thier attacks with my sword's energy shield." "I told him to run to safety fast while I dealt with the Thralls. Afterwards we all focused on Irxori, eventually killing him and sure enough the Engram dropped...two of them. This made things more...complicated. But I noticed something odd. The Taken Thralls weren't disappearing. I looked over to the crashed Hive ship...and there was another Taken Champion there. Something wasn't right, my buddies got scared and left me on my own with this guy. I told him to run, he asked "what about our deal?". I said I didn't care, i just wanted him to get out." "He said he'd go get help from the Vanguard and went to the Tower. I tried using Stormtrance against the Thralls, but more just kept coming. I lured them into a little bunker and locked the door...and that's pretty much how I ended up here." *sigh* "...Ghost...can you check for any signals or radio frequencies in the area from the Vanguard?" "Right away, Guardian." "...........Nothing." *loud banging noises continue, metal tearing sounds occur* ".....Well. I guess this is it. They're starting to tear through the door now. Won't be much longer until it goes down..." "Do me a favor, Ghost. When i die, send out a signal to that man. The one I helped. Don't even know his name...Then again, he didn't even know mine. Huh. Funny how things work out..." "Are you sure, Guardian?" "Yeah...I'm sure. He'll find you and this recording. And one final word before I turn this off...buddy, if you found this just know this: keep searching. She's still out there, we both know it. Don't you give up." "I'll see you soon, if I can get out of this." "Open the door Ghost. Here goes nothin--" [b][ERROR: PLAYBACK MALFUNCTION][/b] [b][ATTEMPTING TO RESTORE][/b] "C--C'mon you gu-- is t--at al-- you go--" [b][ERROR: SYSTEM SHUTDOWN][/b] [spoiler]

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