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5/23/2016 3:52:56 PM

What will your Dead Ghost Fragment say?

Let's get creative and post your own Ghost Fragments about your character below! Here is what I'd like my Ghost Fragment to say (I warn you, it's a long one): [b]Legend: Rossie[/b] [spoiler]It is dark, so dark. I cannot see my Guardian. I can faintly hear the shots from his handcannon and the whistle of his bow in the distance. These are the only sounds to be heard at all. He is desparate, he has lost me in these black, jagged caves. My Light is starting to fade and so I will begin to erase the all of the data I have collected over the many years I spent with him. I recount what brought us here, to the moon: *Some time earlier* [i]Zavala: Guardian, Cayde's scouts have picked up some strange Hive activity on the moon. I want you to go the centre of it and deal with them before they become an issue. I've transmitted the details to your Ghost. Good luck out there. *upon arrival to Luna* Eris: I sense something, the churning hellmouth has now fallen silent. Strange... Something is happening. Find the source. *at the gates of Temple of Crota* Cayde: Guardian stop, you need to get out! The Hive are planning an ambu- (radio crackling) Ghost: Radios gone, we've lost them. What do you want to do? Guardian: I don't like this. Somethings off. Let's get back to the ship. *A single roar is heard before everything turns black*[/i] I rise to be separated from my Guardian in a dark, unmapped area of the Hellmouth hearing only faint gunfire and silence. The seconds fly by and soon he has fallen silent. I am alone in the dark abyss of the Hellmouth where the shadows have eyes and the ground has teeth. Then I begin to hear something far away. Almost a whisper in the night. The Hive are here and they are watching me. I try to find a path, something to lead me to outside but all I see is nothingness. The whispers is louder now. I can begin to determine what the sound is. They are chanting quietly in the distance in some form of ritual. The same single word over and over. I begin to see a light as I move toward the chanting. I can see him. But he is limp, and out of my reach. The Hive are in circle around his lifeless corpse, chanting and chanting with their hands risen, almost in gratitude. They are larger the normal acolytes and knights found on the moon. They have broader shoulders with peculiar green energy spilling off them like mist. Their eyes are black and empty like the Darkness, instead of the green glow they usually have. I try to reach him but I'm forced back by an unyielding power which blocks my quickly fading Light. Their chanting grows louder and louder until an explosion of Darkness erupts from the body of the once Light filled Guardian I traveled with for so long. The mass of Darkness is writhing as I hide behind a rock, not daring to look. The Hive chanting now turns to screeching and roars as the ball of Dark takes its shape. In a deep, low thundering voice the being roars "THERE IS LIGHT HERE, SHOW YOURSELF!" I am propelled against my will out from behind the rock to face the creature. It's Darkness fills the whole room. Only a faint outline can be seen of it. It sees me and thunders: "LIGHT, I AM NOKRIS! AND I AM THE HERALD OF YOUR END!" *Loud thunderous noises before unending silence* - End of fragment.[/spoiler] What do ya think? What's yours? Let me know!

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  • Edited by ofaDyingStar: 5/25/2016 3:15:39 PM
    BEGIN TRANSMISSION --- CITADEL OF ASTARTHA, BASE OF HELLSTORM MOUNTAIN, VENUS [I]static silence fade in--[/I]-dn’t have come here. I-- bad idea. [I]muffled scraping sounds [/I] --n’t even know what it is. Seven arms, [I]pained sigh[/I] Did you know awoken blood is blue? [I]soft laughter[/I] I don't know if you're getting any of this, my friend. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. GUNSHOTS RATTLING SIREN I've not long left [I]static distortion[/I] They're coming for me. You'll find my body close to the entrance, if you're hearing this you need to go back. There's no surviving something like this, not alone. It demands a [I]soft sigh[/I] sacrifice. It's Fallen, and Hive, some kind of fusion. It's been festering away deep in the mountain. Isolated, breeding, it burns your skin, it eats right through your gloves. Nothing seems safe from that poison, not even the stone floor. It rots away so deep and it only stops when the rot has suffocated itself. [I]quiet breath - inhale - long exhale[/I] If you do keep going, don't come alone like I did. Stupid girl [I]chuckle[/I] thinking I would be fine breaking into old ruins like this on my own. MUFFLED GUNSHOTS CRACKING NOISE Thanks, old friend. Stay here, I'm not dying so easily. [I]shuffling - groaning - silenced pistol shots[/I] STATIC SHATTERING GLASS Bite me! [I]bow drawn and fired - sickening crunch - heavy thud - Fallen victory roar and chatter[/I] SHUFFLING FOOTSTEPS FADING END TRANSMISSION [spoiler]for my hunter <3[/spoiler]

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  • Here lies andy peperony and chease

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  • Edited by haywire: 5/25/2016 6:27:08 AM
    Ghost Fragment: Quadric Reasoning [spoiler] Experiment Data: [i]Transcribed from an audio recording found in a desecrated Venetian lab[/i] ...Haywire? Haywire, are you there? Did it work?... Haywire? Oh God is he dead? Haywire! Wake! Up! [i]what... what happened?[/i] We tried to complete the Vex mind fusion with your Light, remember? To see if they were compatible? [i]I... I remember. I remember everything! Make it stop, make it stop![/i] *inhuman scream* Haywire what's wrong? Did it work? Are you ok? [i]I can see... everything. All of time! It's already happened! Sundaresh was right! The simulation was right![/i] Wait, are you being serious? What can you see? [i]I... I can see us. Both of us... dying. Soon. Here.[/i] What? We need to get out of here. It can't happen like you say it will if we're not here! [i]No, *defeated laughter* don't you get it? It's all pointless. It doesn't matter what we do. Time has already happened, we just aren't advanced enough to realize it.[/i] I refuse to believe that Haywire! Here, come on. We're leaving! *grunting, clinking and a thud of something heavy being lifted* *Receding footsteps* ~Transmission fast forwarded 3 hours~ *Fallen speech* *two rapid, loud thuds, followed by a tearing cloth sound* No! Ghost! They killed him! They killed our ghosts, Haywire. We're dead! How did they find us? We were safe! [i]I told you they would. *chuckles* you know, it's actually relieving, knowing you are totally powerless to actually change anything[/i] *arc bolt discharge. Fading scream* [i]just you and me now eh? Well, let me tell you something, vandal. I know exactly what you intend on doing to me. I know exactly how much it will hurt. And I know exactly, down to the nanosecond, how long it will take me to die. So do your worst. You already have.[/i] *3 shots fired, seemingly into a thick area such as the stomach* *fallen sounds, Receding footsteps* [i]Oh, and one last thing. You, listening to this. Time has already happened. It's hopeless. We lose. We've already lost. There's only one thing that can alter it. All you have to do is-[/i] ~break in transmission~ [i]Oh. I see. You're never gonna hear that. It's not my job to tell you. Well, good luck Guardian. You need it. *dying laughter fades to a choking cough. Silence ensues*[/i] [/spoiler]

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    • He hated all of you

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    • Edited by Got any pizza: 9/17/2017 12:37:08 AM
      Ghost fragment: death of a tainted wolf. [spoiler] They have come in droves. The house of false Kings is in the act of proclaiming their right to their crown, our light. The nameless one, my guardian, had gone with the Iron Lords of numbers 12 to dispute the claim. Only he remains now. Nulrliks prime, Ward of the Kell of Kings, has halted our advance. It sends wave after wave of Eliksni and bombardment in equal measure, the nameless one holding ground where ground was scarce. Battered and beaten, his visor constricting his view, he knelt before me, perhaps in prayer, perhaps in fatigue. He removed his helmet to reveal the dented metallic sheets that were once a face of care, and without word nor warning, it hardened in determination. I knew what he thought, but I feared it all the same. His eyes locked on me as he drew from his pouch a single scrap of each Iron Lords mark, cape, and bond. 12 memorials to the fallen, each handed to me. The nameless one then made my fear a reality, he handed a scrap of his own cloak to me, deliberate and unflinching. The last moment I saw of his life, was as he stood upon the prime servitor, the cloak he wore of Ana Bray's wolf blackened in soot and the void, his gun lying at his side, pulsing with death, and a hole through his chest. He looked down and smiled, not of his death, but of the hope he had forged from nothing. He died, so you may not Guardian. So the servitor would come screaming into the void after him [/spoiler]

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    • Edited by Artorias: 5/25/2016 2:54:33 PM
      "He shouldn't have gotten the gaze..."

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      • "If you're reading this, watch out for the Architects" Right before they get a kill screen of course.

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      • The architects really had a special hate for this guardian

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        • Ghost: He can Self Res at any time. No clue why he hasn't yet? But what do i know im just lil light.

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        • "He wasn't crap, he wasn't amazing. Just kinda meh to be honest." "Uh, Ghost? I'm still right here. Remember, the whole self res thing?" "Oh yeah..." *Ghost stares out into funeral audience* "Never mind people! Party's over, go home, no free stuff!"

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          • "Suh dud"

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          • That one guy who plays destiny wayyyy too much and no one knows who he is.

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          • Weasel

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          • I won't lose, so I won't have a dead ghost fragment.

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            • Edited by niobe-2: 5/25/2016 2:17:17 PM
              If you're in Old Russia, you're in my teritory...

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            • [b]Legend[/b] The lonely guardian and his "army." [spoiler]:Hey, ghost. ~Yes? :What if I went out and got myself an army of shanks? ~Please explain. :So, You know I don't have friends, and Oryx isn't gonna kill himself, so what if I abducted about 25 shanks, and reprogramed them to do my bidding. Then I could go do anything that requires friends, but I'll have shanks instead! ~You don't even know how to edit a basic computer code :I'm sure somebody in the tower will help. ~How are you going to deactivate a shank long enough to get it reprogramed? :I dunno, get one of those nightstalkers to tether them up? ~You have no friends that are hunters. :Oh yeah......Well looks like I'm doing this the hard way...... ~Oh boy...... :Where is the one the other guardians call "Hank?" ~The cosmodrome, near the forgotten shore. :Set course for there at once! (Once he arrives.) :HANK! I COME IN PEACE, JUST LAY DOWN YOUR CHASSIS AND I WI- ("Hank" fires into the guardian once, killing him instantly. Bungo plz add matchmaking to raids.)[/spoiler]

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            • I was a crucibiler like you once gaurdian until i took a arminus round to the knee

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              • "must have Gjallahorn, icebreaker & fatebringer. No 29s"

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                • Edited by BanditNation: 5/25/2016 5:17:10 PM
                  Legends: A Day at the Tower [spoiler]Shaxx: Hurry up ladies, this isn't an ice cream social! Ikora: Ice cream social? Shaxx: Stop the pillow-talk you two. Anyone want to guess why I gathered you here today? Cayde: Um, is it because the war's over and you're sending us home? Shaxx: That's exactly it, private. War's over. We won. Turns out you're the big hero, and we're gonna hold a parade in your honor. I get to drive the float, and Ikora here, is in charge of confetti! Cayde: I'm no stranger to sarcasm, Shaxx. Shaxx: God dammit Cayde, shut your mouth or else I'll have Ikora slit your throat while you're asleep! Ikora: Oh, I'd do it too. Shaxx: I know you would Ikora... good girl. Couple of things today, ladies: Command has seen fit to increase our ranks here at Old Russia Outpost Number 1. Cayde: Crap, we're getting a rookie. Shaxx: That's right dead man. Our new recruit will be here within the week. But today, we received the first part of our shipment from Command. Saladin... bring up the vehicle. An Sparrow emerges from the hill behind Shaxx Ikora: Shotgun! Cayde: Shotgun! -blam!-! Shaxx: May I introduce, our new light reconnaissance vehicle. It has four inch armor plating, anti-graaav boosters, leg rests, and total seating for one. Gentlemen, this is the M12-LRV! I like to call it the Sparrow. Ikora: Why 'Sparrow'? Shaxx: Because M12-LRV is too hard to say in conversation! Cayde: No, but... why 'Sparrow'? I mean, it doesn't really look like a Sparrow... Shaxx: Say that again? Cayde: I think it looks more like a seagull. Shaxx: What in the sam hell is a seagull? Ikora: Uh... you mean like the food? Cayde: No, like a seagull. It's a bird. Like an eagle. Shaxx: You're making that up. Cayde: I'm telling you, it's a real animal! Shaxx: Ikora, I want you to poison Cayde's next meal. Ikora: Yes sir! Shaxx: Look, see these two things on the side? They look like wings. And what kind of animal has wings? Cayde: A blackbird. Shaxx: Didn't I just tell you to stop making up animals? Rahool is looking at the Vanguard through the sniper rifle, and Ives is with him Ives: What is that thing? Rahool: I don't know, but it looks like uh... looks like they got some kinda bike down there. We'd better get back to base and report it. Ives: A bike? How come they get a bike? Rahool: What are you complaining about, man? We're about to get an Interceptor in the very next drop. Ives: You can't pick up chicks in an Interceptor. Rahool: Oh, you know what, you could bitch about anything, couldn't you. We're gonna get an Interceptor, and you're worried about chicks. What chicks are we gonna pick up man!? First, and secondly, how are we gonna pick up chicks in a bike that looks like that? Ives: Well what kind of bike is it? Rahool: I don't know, I've never seen a bike that looks like that before, it looks like a uh... like a bird of some kind. Ives: ... ... what, like a blackbird? Rahool: Yeah man, there ya go. Back to the Vanguard Shaxx: So unless anybody else has any more mythical creatures to suggest as a name for the new vehicle, we're gonna stick with 'the Sparrow'. How about it Cayde? Cayde: No sir, no more suggestions. Shaxx: Are you sure? How about Bigfoot? Cayde: That's okay. Shaxx: Unicorn? Cayde: No really, I'm... I'm cool. Shaxx: Sasquatch? Ikora: Leprechaun? Cayde: Hey, he doesn't need any help Ikora... Shaxx: Phoenix! Cayde: Huh... Traveler... Shaxx: Hey Ikora, what's the name of that Mexican lizard, eats all the goats? Ikora: Uh, that would be the Chupacabra, sir! Shaxx: Hey Cayde! Chupathingie, how about that? I like it! It's got a ring to it...[/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by SanctifiedN7: 5/25/2016 10:05:15 AM
                    Mine will say: TL:DR.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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                  • So how does this proximity detona-

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                  • Ghost Fragment: Itsbillyboom [i]"Billy no you'll just piss them off!"[/i] This was regularly screamed at him by his teammates as he furiously teabagged each and every corpse of his enemies desperate to leave the salty taste of his sack in their mouths. He wasn't even that good at crucible and yet he showed no discrimination in doing this each and every time he defeated a guardian. Each time he would only fuel his enemies rage who would surely defeat him in their next confrontation and 'return the favour'. Billy never minded when he received a well due revenge teabagging, no one ever knew for sure if he liked it or just did it for the thrills but everyone who knew him, knew for sure there was never any malice behind his scrotum dipping spree's. [i]- All we have to remember him by now is when you see the way Eris Morn waddles around like John Wayne trying to intimidate a bandit, Eris never quite recovered from her intimate encounter with Billy's colossal member.[/i] End Fragment.

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                  • One does not simply, challenge randal the vandal.

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                  • Sbmm shut him down. Rip

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                  • Died by a dreg. The end.

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                  • [i]"I thought we were trying to save humanity, but all she was looking for was revenge on whoever stole her sweet roll."[/i]

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