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5/18/2016 3:48:10 PM

SGA: Keksis can be kept in a corner for easy bomb defusal. (visual aid)

I don't think this tactic has been posted yet, or at least I haven't noticed it. But last night, through 4 different runs, my team and I were able to reliably manipulate Keksis, to keep him from wandering the arena and to make managing his bombs much easier. We would only get surpressed by a bomb about once per fight, usually only the first one, as it takes about a full wave to really get Keksis put in time-out. I have a more detailed description of the fight on the Imgur post, but here is the basic rundown. the following description uses directions based on facing Keksis One player must stay in the short hallways/tunnels at the front of the arena for the entire fight. I have only done this on the right side hallway. The other two players should work their way back to either of the back corners (we typically used the back left), the adds will more or less ignore the boss and other player and migrate straight for this duo as long as they are attacking them. The first player's job is two-fold, and it is best to have a higher light player doing this job, as Keksis will be focused solely on them. First, lure Keksis into the front right corner of the arena (just on the outside of that hallway), attempt to keep him as close to the wall as possible. If you alternate moving to either end of the hallway and shooting him, he should stay there pretty willingly. Second Keksis will spawn his explosives as usual, if he is kept to his "time-out" corner, then the defuse radius should pretty reliably spawn through that hallway wall and be defusable from within the safety of the hallway. Just repeat this process, keeping Keksis in his corner until you exhaust the add waves, then finish the big guy off. Variks will get impatient, but you should have no real issues getting the points you need. A few extra tips: The defusal rate for the explosives seems to be based on how soon after they spawn you stand in them. If you can keep him in the corner and force him to spawn the explosives on top of you, then they will disappear as fast as they spawn (sometimes this bugs the spawn noise, but the orb will be gone) The curved nature of the ledge at the front of the arena seems to prevent Keksis from reaching the player, and if he gets close enough to it, also seems to even interrupt his casting of the "balls of awfullness". HOWEVER Keksis can eventually work his way up the center of the ledge (in front of the arena entrance). If he gets too frisky and does this, simply run out the opposite side and shoot him from his corner. He should happily chase you back into it. Visual aid (ms paint version): [url=]Imgur[/url]

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