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Clan Recruitment

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5/17/2016 5:54:13 PM

Please join my clan - Ancient Tuna

I'd really like to wear my TAG in Destiny. The Destiny Clan is (relatively) new though some of us are Day1 guardians. But Tuna group of fish have been around for a while, a long while... We started as racers in Gran Turismo. But have evolved into swimming in many other games. Besides racing, we still Red Dead and GTAV on PS3. On PS4 we have a "platuna" for Battlefield/CoD/etc. SupaTunas raiding Los Santos on GTAV. You'll find us saving the Rebel Alliance from the Empire on Battlefront. Basically we're a group of guys aged 22-64 who like to have fun together gaming... If it's on PSN and it's fun, chances are some of us are playing it... If you feel a need for camaraderie on PSN, join our school of fish. (We have websites. Two at least. You can Google Ancient Art of Tuna and/or SupaTunaGT to check us out...) High fin! Thanks in advance if you help me "strike my colors" in Destiny. james_mikel (aka STVM_CharlieTuna)

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