Since it's the end of the school year everyone is starting to pick what classes they want to have for the next year. I've always been big into computers from building them to programming them. I'm not very good at programming computers so when I saw the class in the booklet full of classes I could take, I wrote it down. I read further after the first sentence and it was perfect until I got to the bottom. It said,
[quote]This class is only offered to females [/quote]
What? Why is this even a thing? What's the logic behind making a computer programming class female only? I'm confused as to why this isn't deemed as discrimination and is seen as socially acceptable.
Edit: I did ask why and they said they wanted to "steer women into the field by offering a class with others of the same gender to make them more comfortable" or some stupid reason like that. It still doesn't justify why they didn't also make a class for males.
It's just a fact that people are more comfortable when they're with others of the same sex. You wouldn't walk into a room full of girls and start talking about the chick you banged last night then start trying to high five them, would you? Probably not lol point is that for a field that is dominated by men it's generally more comfortable for the girls/women to be with others girls/women so they're not intimidated when asking questions. It won't always be that way, just until the work force in that area is more evened out.