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5/17/2016 12:58:07 AM

Community idea pool for pve and pvp

bump 4 pve


bump for pvp


bump 4 both


bump 4 some of op's ideas


show me the results bby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ──☆: ・゚.


bump 4 lenny


bump 4 armory container


Please use this post as a place to share any reasonable idea you have for pve or pvp No I don't feel entitled to anything, this is just a bunch of stuff I've thought about and modified in my head at different times between the beta and now, I am simply sharing my thoughts about a game I like, as that is what #destiny is for ________________________________________________ My pvp stuffs ________________________________________________ [b] Below is an idea I've had about how the crucible reward system could be improved, and it was inspired by every screenshot/picture I've seen where someone who did nothing was the only one to get a reward, most recently, one where someone, who I assumed had just joined the game (no kills/Deaths/no assists) was awarded a patience and time, and a rare engram and no one else on their team got a thing If someone smarter than me can explain how this is fair, please do without being a smartass[/b] I always thought the best way to improve the pvp reward system was to guarantee rewards of a certain rarity to everyone, and have it be based on your place in the match -Contained in a spoiler for your convenience- [spoiler] 6V6 standard crucible -1st place: high chance for legendary, small chance for exotic, guaranteed rare engram -2nd: good chance for legendary, lower chance for exotic, guaranteed rare engram -3rd: lower chance for legendary, very small chance for exotic, guaranteed rare engram -4th: low chance for legendary, guaranteed rare engram -5th: Guaranteed rare engram, guaranteed uncommon engram -6th: Guaranteed uncommon engram, 1 rare item 3V3 standard crucible: -1st: same as my 6v6 2nd place idea -2nd: 4th place 6v6 reward set -3rd: 5th place 6v6 reward set *Drop rates should lower slightly for members of a losing team, or change for everyone based on objective time, captures, or kd for tdm, team contribution should decide how high your drop rates should be* *half the players means double the chances for the top places obviously, so if the 3v3 drop rates were the same, farming would be extremely easy, which is bad* Guaranteed rewards also means a lower quit percentage because if youre playing for fun, and youre doing poorly, you may as well quit because not only are you not enjoying yourself, but you also have a very low chance of getting something you want, so what's the point in staying in a bad game[/spoiler] [spoiler] [b]Why engrams? Because they have a chance for items of a higher rarity than themselves, so even if you don't do well, at least you have hope, bothers me that you get rare items from strike bosses over engrams now[/b] Iron Banana: Same everything, but normally rng legendary engrams would be replaced by guaranteed lord salad, banana gear(slightly lower/higher drop rate to accommodate for guaranteed item/lack of engrams?) Trials of Osiris: Never played, not sure about current drop rates I have never played trials, I haven't played ib in months, and I don't care much for crucible, but what bothers my friends bothers me, and thanks to exotic bounties (Thorn, Chaperone, working on The first curse) I have played more crucible than I've wanted to. Everything I've come up with could, and probably should change for special events like crimson days and big time for srl, where the usual rng works along with special event items added in [/spoiler] ________________________________________________ My pve stuffs ________________________________________________ Strike reward ideas: [spoiler]-revert to y1 completion rewards for standard strikes, guaranteed engrams over items -heroic and nightfall remain as they are, and re add flaming head as a universal rep booster rather than exp booster for motes -Change legacy strike drop rates to y1 values and rewards, so players can get y1 rares and legendaries, including vanilla/dark below/HoW items, even ascendant mats, obviously at current y1 item values [/spoiler] General pve ideas: [spoiler]-sniper damage buff to match y1 shotgun damage buff (I havent used a sniper in standard strikes since the shotgun buff) -Small sidearm damage buff -super damage buff against majors excluding strike bosses -FOR THE LOVE OF THE TRAVELER BUFF CERBERUS VAE TO ORIGINAL DIFFICULTY -add more cutscenes to future content, or give the guardian dialogue outside of cutscenes -make slight changes to cutscenes and guardian/npc dialogue to accommodate fireteams, you guys did it in halo 3 -Make public events occur more often, re add daily event reward, re add previous expansion events with renamed/reskinned enemies (blades of crota, wolf skiffs) with same occurrence rate as current taken boss events -Make the "enemies moving against each other" event happen more often in more locations, they are fun as hell -make the "band of pikes" event happen more often in more locations -re add or increase the spawn rate of heavy pikes, and add them to more locations -Make materials and rare sparrows cost glimmer rather than legendary marks, even more important in y2 since marks are twice as valuable as vanguard/crucible marks when it comes to both types of purchases -Please, PLEASE bump the gamestop pre order sparrow, the S-10V, to a rare, so it can be buffed with one of Xur's drives -Add "chore list" patrol missions to beacons, where your respective mentor or random faction leaders says something like "we have a list of things for you to do, details for your ghost" and replace the random "??????" Patrols with these, the beacon emblem could be a check mark, or an X, to symbolize crossing something off a list[/spoiler] -Everything I've come up with for crucible could, and probably should change for special events like crimson days and big time for srl, where the usual rng works along with special event items added in -Ive come up with a long list, but quite a few things on it ive been thinking about for awhile now, if you have anything significant yourself, or can think of a way to debunk or improve one of my ideas, please share your thoughts My Poll Lenny¬ [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ──☆: ・゚.[/spoiler] [armory] <,︻╦̵̵̿╤─ ҉ PEW PEW[/armory] [spoiler]Really wanted to see what the armory container did[/spoiler]

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