If someone is working 2-3 jobs, 40 hours a week, and still relies on the government to feed his family, then they're not the lazy ones. Their employers are.
And please for the love of God quit saying progressives don't understand economics.
Just so you can stop sounding like the class fool, if the minimum wage is raised, the cost of goods will rise equally. To make it real simple for you, if minimum wage is raised from $8 to $20, and you use to be able to buy a value meal at McDonald's for $8 dollars, it will now cost you $20. So you are back where you started and as far as international markets are concerned, you are devaluing your money causing a recession. Which will probably lead to a massive sell off of our bonds held by international entities, followed by war and famine. But yeah just stick to playing destiny and leave the big boy topics to the big boys. K?