IM DELETING YOU, GRAND DAD!😭👋 ██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete..... ████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete.... ███████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete.... ███████████] 99% complete..... 🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 Grand Dads are irreplaceable 💖I could never delete you Grand Dad!💖 Send this to ten other 👴🏻Grand Dads👴🏻 who give you 🏞a gay old time🏞 Or never get called 🗿Fleenstones🗿 again❌❌🐸🐸❌❌ If you get 0 Back: no gay old time for you 🚫🚫👿 3 back: you're a Fleenstone🗿🏞 5 back: you're Grand Dad's dinosaur🐲👼🏻🏞 10+ back: Grand Dad🐸🐸💕💕🏞👅👅 source
I have a penis.