It's official! We have a Civ VI on it's way. Anyone else hyped about this?
As a fan of CIV 4 and 5... the main I issue I have with 5 is that the maps are clustered with unimportant details. I find myself switching to strategic view whenever I need to get an overview of all my units/resources. The art style will definitely help with that, I'm also hoping that it will help with performance- but the new features might make up for that. Either way... this CIV game was built with players like me in mind, not too concerned with graphic realism, but rather the game itself.
Yeah. Hyped.
I wish they would release it on console
Never played the civ games, but always found them interesting. Maybe this'll be a good excuse to jump on the wagon and try it out.
I shit myself. However it does look rather cartoony, which tempered my excitement somewhat...
I've poured over 400hrs into Civ V. I'm so bloody hyped, but not for the art style. It looks like Candy Crush
I'm guessing beyond earth didn't do too well? I mean I played it but I always go back to 5. Seems sudden for another one already..
Been playing since Test Of Time (basically Civ 2.5) but I usually wait a year to 18 months for the complete edition. That way you get all the content and bug fixes plus being that the game is almost 2 years old by that point it's bound to run on my laptop. Been playing Endless Legends but not managed to get a handle on how it works so doing really badly even on easy settings.
Not really hyped, but slightly interested. I played the hell out of V and beyond earth, but not sure I'll have the kind of time I would need in order to really get into it.
Yes I love civilization
I'm really not a fan of the style they're going for with this. I think I actually prefer the look of Civ V.
I have yet to enjoy a single Civ game, so I'll pass.
comes out the day before my birthday, will probably end up getting it although I didn't like 5 very much
I wonder if it will be any good at launch.