We play Nightfall Loot Bets every week, where we bet on each others end screen loot and, if you bet right, that person owes you a beer.
It's pretty much the only reason we still run the nightfall every week... (even with trickle and exposure)
All of your clans videos are awesome. My favorites "How to tbag responsibly" "The ultimate raid team".
Sounds like a good idea. It shouldn't be too hard to win the bet either, there's only 3 rewards to choose from. Ghost shell, strange coins and 3oC.
i'm running them to get sparrows and emotes (not that i ever get any anymore sadly)
How to win a free beer: 1.) Bet on a 300-310 Vanguard Ghost Shell. 2.) Enjoy your free beer.
I enjoyed my 330 ghost last night on my 335 warlock!!!!!
I predict "Nice, nice and niiiice"
Always gamble responsibly