Tell that to the 1.2 million likes on Battlefield 1's trailer and the 1.5 [u]million[/u] [i]dislikes[/i] on Infinite Warfare's trailer.
Edit: God likes this post, so there's no way I'm wrong lol
Updated to show new stats.
To quote Dank Beans:[quote]I'm no mathematician, but I think bf1 is winning this one. [/quote]
Edit 2: This is now my most popular post. Thanks!
Dont know of anyone ever saying they dont want a world war 1 game. The only thing i have ever heard is that people dont want a realistic world war 1 game, and i am in agreement. There is no doubt that the new battlefield will not be realistic, the weapons will likely be more accurate, it likely wont simply be one group running at a trench and getting slaughtered by machine guns by those in the trench, you likely will not be sitting there for a three day artillery barrage before an attack, it is also not likely that you will be sent in a night raid with nothing but a club and knife, and it is unlikely they will have you needlessly fire artillery into empty spots of an enemy trench just to reach a quota for the day. The game is probably going to be far more fast paced and open field fighting so that it still feels like an epic battle (like they have done in past games), and so you are still entertained. This is by no means a bad thing, it is a video game and so it is meant to be entertaining before all else, but if you think it is going to be realistic then you are fooling yourself.