[b]I start concentrating harder then I ever have.[/b] "No."
[i]Then I will not tell you until you remember.[/i] *He leaves* That was weird.
"There is much to remember."
*Mortar looks up* Gore.
It was my old name. Gore...
"Your old name? Interesting."
Can you remember anything of Gore?
"Gore?" [b]A sudden memory seems to hit me.[/b] "I remember something involving Gore. Not you but I'm starting to."
A war IS covered in gore...
"The memories. When will they return?"
I cannot say.
"You cannot say, or you won't?"
Erm... *Mortar looks down* A little bit of both.
"I understand."
*sighs* If you really wish to know... I will tell you
"Oh it's quite alright. Tell me if you wish."
"Do you wish to?"
I don't know... I don't know how you'll react.
"Mortar we're friends and allies. Whatever it is, it's already happened."
Okay... *I take a deep breath* I... I... I killed your son
[b]My face turns completely pale. You can make out the goosebumps forming. [/b] "Mortar stop messing with me."
I wish I was... *Mortar holds his head down, clearly thinking of that day with shame* I didn't want to...
[b]I hold my head with my hands while looking down [/b] "Why?"