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originally posted in: Sexism in raids.
5/9/2016 6:15:21 PM
I'm curious how old you two are, only to know if you are a millennial or not. I'm 30. The internet wasn't really a thing when I was a kid, so I, and I think my generation, don't really understand why people get offended by cyber bullying and whatnot or how people act on the Internet. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone it. But still, why get offended? It's the Internet. It's fundamentally not reality. Not to mention, you most likely have never, nor will ever meet these people in real life.

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  • OK, well.... Where do I start?.... I can fully understand why you would think that it doesn't matter, I mean it is just a medium of text or audio, right? But unfortunately as we become more dependant on these mediums it becomes more difficult to remove yourself from harsh comments and bullying. Additionally do remember that while it may be a game or other medium, the very idea that people abuse anonymity to say such depraved things speaks volumes as to the attitude surrounding cyber bullying and harassment. Everyone treats it as OK because you will never met the people. But what about when you are sending death threats to a developer for not doing what you want? It's cyber bullying, and is it OK? So why is it on when it's discrimination against age sex or race? It's depraved no matter how you look at it. And one last thing, there is a bad connotation with calling yourself a millennial. I know it shouldn't, but it makes you seem like you are insensitive to the issues people face today. And if you must know I am 19

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  • Edited by Pocket Fox: 5/10/2016 8:13:14 AM
    [quote]And one last thing, there is a bad connotation with calling yourself a millennial. I know it shouldn't, but it makes you seem like you are insensitive to the issues people face today.[/quote] No it's actually the other way around, which is why milennials are widely labeled (often correctly so) as being fragile. Millennials do quite well with diversity of skin color and body parts, but they struggle mightily with diversity of thought. Any thought or belief that runs counter to their own is wrong and must be silenced. This is why college campuses are the way they are today. There is only one acceptable narrative for every single societal issue. Any deviation from this one narrative ("truth") is subject to ridicule and silencing. "The test of first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." - F. Scott Fitzgerald My opposed idea: The internet isn't real. Thicken up that skin.

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  • I have two points to say here: 1) thank you for helping clear up the definition of millennial, obviously the definition I had learnt from context in conversation was not entirely the truth. 2) with the comment of thickening skin, the same could be said for real life, and yet people still get affected by what is said. Not everyone is the same as by extension not everyone can cope with the same situations rationally. It is important to remember that these people exist, that is all I wished to say.

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  • Bravo! It's always refreshing to see a reasonable human being on this board.

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  • I could agree or not agree and nothing about anything would change, ever, anywhere.

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  • That is relative friend, change is something personal. If you change, then as does your perception of the world. This change could drive others towards it, but only if they see it as being durable enough to exist over time.

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  • I'm 31 and I will jump down your throat faster than you can think of you start pulling that kind of crap. Regardless, internet or not, it's disrespectful and no one wants to hear it, especially if it's relentless. Personally, I don't care, but if someone is being a dick on purpose and offending someone for their own humor despite being asked to chill...oooh man.

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  • Sounds like you care then.

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  • Edited by Sigurd Fatima: 5/9/2016 11:30:14 PM, you can say whatever you want to me lol. Blah blah whatever dude. But if you are offending someone, and you're doing it on purpose, that's what gets me.

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  • Gotchya

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  • Well said

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  • Edited by Mmm Toasty: 5/9/2016 9:15:24 PM
    Ya I never understood. Same reason I don't understand why virtual tea bagging is upsetting. Plus ya I grew up on cod, where if you were a girl you got berated and talked about -blam!-. But on the other side, if you're a guy, your mom was constantly being threatened of -blam!-. And we didn't take offense. It's a joke. I grew out of it. But I think kids are kids, and they will be just like I was. Only now they use the word scrub and noob instead of -blam!- and bitch ass pussy lips [spoiler]the last word that's beeped starts with an f and ends with aggot[/spoiler]

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  • Lol

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  • ^^^

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  • I was l already in high school when the internet was getting big. Most of these people probably spent their whole lives on facebook and other shit.

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  • Edited by AboundingChip85: 5/9/2016 7:08:59 PM
    I'm 30 too,well put.

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  • You, yourself, are a millennial bud. But I get what you're saying

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  • Really?? Lol, as a proof of concept, I could care less if I fall in that category. But I am curious now what millennial means. Why would it extend to people born over a decade before Y2K? Shouldn't the fact that I just used "Y2K" put me into a fossil category? But hey, call me what you want. Call me literally anything. It's the Internet.

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  • You are a flaming pile of reanimated horse manure.

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  • Nice

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  • Edited by FL NIGHTMARE: 5/9/2016 7:32:07 PM
    Depending on where you ask that's a millennia not everyone agrees on that wide rage of dates. But yeah I'm around that age and I miss the wild west the Internet was

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  • I think it has to do with generation gaps or something. Anyone from 1980-2000 is considered a millennial. I am 26 turning 27 but I get the point you were trying to make man, no hard feelings

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  • 😎

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