Before the influx of right-wingers start shouting "conspiracy" and 'liberal bias", I'd just like to say that this study was published in the Scientific Journal and was performed by researchers at the University of Georgia, so it's legit.[spoiler][i]The good thing about science is that it's true whether you believe in it or not. [/i]
Neil Degrasse Tyson[/spoiler]Enjoy.
How do you think Trump rose to power? He is not religious at all but he touts religion. He hires foreign workers over Americans and outsources his manufacturing then talks about how Americans should have more jobs. He conspired with Hilary and donated money to her and now says he hates her (lol). He told the NYT that his whole wall idea is fake and yet people still believe him. He claims he will deport 11 million immigrants which is actually unfeasible and impossible to do. Anyone who believes him is a gullible fool who probably also thinks the moon is made of cheese.