Rhythmic Fighters is my under 18s xbox clan, taking in members on both xbox machines. You will need to be mature for this vital reason, all members in the under 18 clan will also be invited into the over 18s clans for the same console as them. Anyone who shows themselves to be immature will be removed from the chat rooms for the over 18 clans, and if you behave in a manner not befitting a mature manner, you'll be removed altogether!
Rhythmic Fighters are part of a large network of clans, a dedicated clan for every system and adults/young teens. (Illiterate Soldiers are the under 18s playstation clan)
We use an app called groupme, usually this is a requirement for the adult clans to have to sign up to, but I know not everyone under the age of 18 will have a smart device or pc/laptop to hand, or possibly a mobile/cell phone to use for signing up with. In these circumstances, Group members in Rhythmic Fighters may still sign up as clan members as long as they appear active on the group forum and wall.
The clan is currently run by two admins, please add these to your friends lists when signing up so they can help organise fireteams with other members and yourself!
Shadow Hawk1806 - Head Admin
Zatched - PvP Admin
Both Admins usually play on XB1, but also might join you on XB360 from time to time!
Once signed up, have a read of the new member's post in the group's forum. There is a link to the groupme chat in there and how to sign up.
Millenium_Milk (PS4) - Founder
Id like to join I'm 14,mature, in the US,looking for a clan that is active that will do raids and group activitys together. Gamer tag is xXxREXDxXx if I'm in P.S. I'm only on XB1