Hey guys, saw Civil War yesterday. It was pretty awesome! Let's talk about your thoughts. Try to keep spoilers in spoilers though. No need to spoil anything. Those who haven't seen the movie, you have been warned. This thread will definitely have spoilers.
Let's break it down.
Things done great:
[spoiler]Overall I'd say all the characters were done well. We got some new faces like Black Panthers and Spiderman who were both fantastic. The plot moves along well and doesn't reveal everything to the viewer right away. We had our classic Marvel humor, and we got to see new aspects of every character. (Like antman increasing size, and Vision realizing he isn't perfect. But, I have a couple issues with the plot ↓[/spoiler]
Things I disliked/nitpicking: (Warning, Opinion)
[spoiler]The fight itself is first. As awesome as it was to watch super heroes beat the tar out of each other Ironman wasn't listening to reason at all. The fact that they all just started fighting wasn't realistic IMO. That's probably the second biggest thing. Another smaller nitpick was the main antagonist. He was fairly underwhelming, though brilliant. And my previous point brings us to my biggest issue. Ironman fighting Cap and Buck at the end. His mom had been dead for years, and he knew Bucky wasn't himself when he killed her. So why would he try killing Bucky now? It was completely pointless. (But that fight scene was dope). Overall though, I'd say it was a great movie [/spoiler]
Fun fact I noticed in recent movies.
[spoiler]Superheroes fighting other superheroes because of their moms.....[/spoiler]
I had two issues: 1)[spoiler]Ant Man and Spiderman felt entirely unnecessary. You could have taken them out of the movie. They really only provided fanservice for one scene (which would have ended the same regardless).[/spoiler] 2)[spoiler]People's "power" was all over the place. Bucky made sense as when he's the Winter Soldier he goes as out but may be holding back as Bucky, not wanting to hurt anyone. Other characters though seem to be either really powerful (taking on two or three guys at once) or much weaker (requiring assistance against one of the same guys they were just pwning).[/spoiler] Other than those two things I thought it was great.