originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]Oh dude...we uhhh...actually removed all quick healing...
I mean, once your out of a post your healed but...you can't just heal fast in a post. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Long Story short The Deity gave everyone special metal for their swords so no fast regen exists.[/spoiler]
[b]A non-cannon shot is heard in the distance[/b]
Apparently! Otherwise you wouldn't have beaten the Chink!
[b]Tesuto is constructed in the distance[/b]
Oh shit. Anyways. I think we can work together in the future. Trust me, we can do great things. See you later Trickster!
[b]The Deity bolts away.[/b]
[b]Tesuto approaches you.[/b]
Master Blade. Welcome to the Digital Dojo.
[spoiler]Congratulations! You have a lot to work on, but you'll get better over time. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Oh alright, I'll keep that in mind [/spoiler] [b]Bows before Tesuto [/b] I am no master, but I thank you
[spoiler]Send a request to the dojo and ninja will accept you [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Hey pants was that a good fight? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Am i in?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]no idea. Like I said ninja will accept you then you'll be in the group[/spoiler]