It's funny how many big streamers jump on the bandwagon when they..let's see..oh yeh. Never played a blizzard game? Or even if they have, as of late? It's hilarious lol its gonna be balanced for one week and then blizzard is going to destroy it.
Edit: ahh the salt flows, GG you guys are so dumb.
Stupid post is stupid
So playing and enjoying a game that is a lot of fun is now jumping on a bandwagon?
So your idea of jumping on a bandwagon is seeing an incredibly fun game and wanting to play it because it looks good?
>faults streamers for playing popular game >k
I'm going to assume they are being paid to stream. This is Activision-Blizzard we are talking about here.
You children are at fault. Who the -blam!- wants to watch people play video games? Go get some some and poon.
Yes, let's make fun of streamers for playing a game and streaming it....seems legit.
You're going to fault streamers for playing a game that is very popular right now? Considering that many do it for money, it makes sense that they cater to current fads and popular things. It's not funny, it's business.
Blizzard games arent like Overwatch...
One of the biggest played WoW many times and played Hearthstone a week ago. I wouldn't exactly call it a bandwagon for them, but for smaller streamers? Eh, i guess so.