Since the latest update with the new infusion system in play, I've found myself at a shortage of armor materials.
Could it be possible to have Eva Lavante sell armor materials? You guys helped us out with the weapons parts by letting Banshee sell them.
Edited for spelling.
Back in my day, you had to spend your whole Saturdays collecting armor FOR SEPARATE CLASSES to dismantle for the materials to upgrade your gear
My God- I was already in crisis mode (during the weapons parts shortage I was buying thunderlords, maxing and dismantling over and over- then of course wound up short on motes of light; so now I'm maxing blue armor with motes before dismantling and again am running short on motes), and then I discovered that I actually had some sapphire wire left- bought 300 armor materials. It was better than having five exotic engrams drop. But now once again, I'm getting low. Had to run CoO last night to farm for blues....maxed them all out before dismantling. The current economy has made it so that I'm trapped between infusion and upgrading (costs armor materials) and leveling up and dismantling for armor materials (costs motes of light) so that I'm going to wind up stuck with a full vault, unable to move.
Ayyyy bumpo againo!
I've resorted to buying green armour just to break down, they are expensive.
Bump. Can no longer re-roll exotics because I'm armour material poor. Spent them all and now have less than 10.
Bump the crappie out of this post please!
Edited by SithLord Osirus: 5/18/2016 7:40:18 AMI really don't understand these posts. How do you run out? I infuse shit whenever I want, and I have 1,900 armor materials spread across my characters. I also don't understand how people ever run out of weapon parts, exotic shards, or glimmer. I haven't run out of any of the breakdown materials since Shortly after I first reached level 40 on my first character. Even then, it wasn't hard to get more.
That would be fun. Having Eva be an armor vendor just makes so much sense.
Still support this so triple bump.
Yes please
I wonder if we would even have this problem if chests were useful again and story missions and most crucible didn't reward nothing
I have mixed feelings on this. It's convenient to buy materials, but it also undermines the point of going out and grinding them. Had they made the chests hold more items, patrols might be a little more interesting. Same thing with glimmer. I'm maxed out all the time, then suddenly m infusing all these new items and with the chroma gamble I'm now broke. My stock pile of ether seeds and such have once again become useful. It's this kind of up and down economy that annoys me.
Okay, I don't understand all the negativity for this topic. The guy just asked for something, it's not like he's hurting anyone else's experience.
Gunsmith you're welcome
Maybe Eva will have a purpose again.