You sir make me laugh, and I'm sure you don't spam grenades at all *cough* sunsinger *cough* voidwalker. And I could care less than to listen to you and I can guarantee you we won't be speaking in the future. I'm still curious as to why I've wasted the time I did talking to someone who's classes revolve around grenades! Btw you have to be a complete moron if you honestly believe I can't hit a moving target. Makes me sad to know that such a respectable class can have a cancerous player as yourself shaming the good name of a warlock
Respectable class yet you're calling me out for supposedly spamming nades? LOL f--k outta here. Again, unlike you I can ACTUALLY kill a moving target whether I spam nades or not, so gg no re, oh what's that I'm cancerous? Lol I'm so offended I think I'm gonna cry... I find it funny you literally just made up some random bullshit about me spamming nades, sure yeah I spam nades, whenever my sunsinger super is charged, because that's what the subclass is made for, spam nades on a voidwalker? Why would I do that? Spam nades on a stormcaller? Why would I do that? First you said I main a Titan, now you're saying I spam nades, jeez kid I may be cancerous but you're the biggest bullshitter I've ever met.
You literally run the two main nad spamming classes in the entire game! You're a complete idiot my friend, and way to just prove me right. Btw I thought you were a Titan because I usually support warlocks when ppl attack them, but you, I'd rather see nerfed to the ground then agree with. Enjoy your nade spamming friend and enjoy spreading all the cancerous bullshit you want. Plz just stop wasting my time, because you've mistaken me for someone who actually cares about my PvP skills. I've never been a PvP player and I never will be