They have to spec for it. Void Walkers can have the same resistance with an exotic helmet.
I'm not so sure they can have the same damage reduction. Even when I hit a FoH striker with Khepri's, he survived. That's insane. I can oneshot a sunbreaker during super with Khepri's. lol Same with basically anything. Just not a FoH titan. Well...haven't tried a defender. I wonder about that.
Well I that point... [spoiler]¯\_(ツ)_/¯[/spoiler]
Yea i know. But all strikers spec it, so it's not like it's rare.
Well to be fair, shoulder charge still has hit detection issues. And I dont see enough strikers using jugg (although I do see them) to really say much about it.
Everything has hit detection issues recently haha.