I wouldn't mind it if they weren't invincible when they used it. I get it, it's a one-and-done super. But so is nova bomb and shadowshot. So why doesn't the titan just get increased defense like the other two classes? It's pretty annoying to smack a titan with a super only for him to use FoH and survive it.
Using that super for self preservation is the worst way to use it.
That's true but Nova bomb and shadow shot can also be aimed. Titans have to get close.
I'll half agree with you on that. Titans don't have to get [i]that[/i] close with shockwave, or whatever it's called. And it can be aimed with death from above right?
Aiming shockwave is the pits -_-. Aftershock is better for me
They have to spec for it. Void Walkers can have the same resistance with an exotic helmet.
I'm not so sure they can have the same damage reduction. Even when I hit a FoH striker with Khepri's, he survived. That's insane. I can oneshot a sunbreaker during super with Khepri's. lol Same with basically anything. Just not a FoH titan. Well...haven't tried a defender. I wonder about that.
Well I that point... [spoiler]¯\_(ツ)_/¯[/spoiler]
Yea i know. But all strikers spec it, so it's not like it's rare.
Well to be fair, shoulder charge still has hit detection issues. And I dont see enough strikers using jugg (although I do see them) to really say much about it.
Everything has hit detection issues recently haha.