Good Sir,
I know from the April Update that Rank 5 packages can now reward items from the current event. Bungie has made the rewards so easy this event that the [b]ONLY[/b] reason to work more than one character to Rank 5 is to earn something [b]other[/b] than what's already offered.
Please limit the Rank 5 package to only weapons/gear currently unavailable from this month's Iron Banner Event.
Otherwise I'll just have my alternate characters sit this one out. They are at a lower light level and since the rewards are based on the player's light I don't need my titan getting a 315 anything when my Warlock has/can/will get the exact same item at 335 light many times and pass them along for infusion.
Great rewards start dropping so soon (Rank 0) that next to no effort is needed on the player's part.
Personally, I feel you have ruined Iron Banner by eliminating any sense of achievement.
Sign if you agree. Discuss if you don't.
I cannot control what Bungie does to satisfy the b****ers of this forum. Challenge yourself, and show no mercy to the weaklings who imbrace such a pathetic crucible.
Yes please. I have gotten already 4 335 marks, 5+ 335 boots, 2-3 335 rockets, and 3+ primaries. I need something different, like a chest piece or helmet.
just because it drops at lower light levels you can still get the gear with the perks and attributes you want.
This is the best Iron Banner event since the release of The Taken King hands down. Players being rewarded for their time investment makes the game way more FUN to play. As for your thoughts about ranking up lower light characters. Yeah you're right about that. Mine are all 333 yet I've only played on one. Multiple high level drops this go around means we haven't been bombarded with all the "Poor IB Drop Posts" That in itself is a welcome change for the game as a whole.
there's no point in hitting rank 5 in iron banner anymore. just got a worthless 320 ghost and a 331 sniper. I got higher light gear from losing matches, than I did for reaching rank 5. Wtf
Obi I haven't even started playing iron banner for this reason. I am glad that there are now so many things that u can do to increase ur light but they have pretty much eliminated the grinding that was so much fun for me. U used to have to work to get good loot. Now it just falls in ur lap. They have kind of taken away the sense of accomplishments get when u reach max rank. The only things I am going to really grind for are the h.o.j weapons.
This is spot on accurate. After I got my first drop on my Warlock, I realized I would have no incentive to play on my lower light characters. It will be unfortunate for those of us who get an item from our rank 5 package that matches end game drops.
So delete every 3rd item you get regardless of how good it is. That should make you appreciate your rewards more.
My rank 5 packages have always been so shitty that I don't really care what they do with it. I got the hatchet about an hour in this morning. I'll continue playing just to see if I can get more with better rolls.
Good point. I think it should all be RGN, with no "vendor" items.
This is what happens when you take a video game a bit too serious.
I'm not sure what you are complaining about.
Signed. As I've never done a raid and ask not much of a PvE player in general, being at or near max light because of my Iron Banner accomplishments was rewarding.
Agree about the packages.
I'm still going to get to rank 5 on all three characters just on the off chance that I might get nirwens mercy. However unlikely that may be.
Yes it should be able to drop Camelot and other pieces Of armor not in the store
It would be nice if the whole pool of IB loot was open to post game rewards. [quote]Personally, I feel you have ruined Iron Banner by eliminating any sense of achievement.[/quote] Ghosts and artifacts capped at 320 ruins the whole thing. Besides, IB isn't about being awesome any more. The point of IB, going by the trend towards rewarding participation more than performance, is to entice people who would not normally play 6vs6 or PvP into a more rewarding version.