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4/26/2016 8:26:44 PM

Has anyone else ever seen this happen??

My GF was playing on the PS3, and she was at the Reef, with her fireteam. I happened to look up at the screen from my laptop and notice one of the Awoken NPC's was walking adjacent to her at sort of an "awkward-angle" of trajectory. The humorous irony to this was that he/she (the NPC) was staring down intently at one of those Data-Pads, looked like one of those people you'll see walking around, staring at their phones and not looking where they're going, up until they bump into someone, or something, because they weren't paying attention. I thought to myself: "Wouldn't be funny if this NPC tripped or bumped into something and looked like a moron for it?" Sure enough, less than 10 seconds later, he was crossing that stretch of the outpost between Variks and Petra Venj, and came to that corner where there's no railing in place... He still had his head down, staring at the Data-Pad, and happened to get caught on the corner. > "Oh, no way... This isn't really gonna happen." I thought to myself, but I sat forwards in my chair and watched. My girlfriend was about to pull up her Ghost to go to Orbit, but I told, "No no no, wait wait wait. One second." She looked at me like I had two heads, until I pointed out the NPC, who was now sort of stuttering back-and-forth in that little segment of no railing. The more he stuttered, the more he tried to turn to the right; the "direction of doom" in this case. We both sat and watched for about 10 more seconds, until finally, NEVER having looked up from his Data Pad, this poor sod actually took the final step and fell completely off the edge; presumably to his death. > TL;DR -- NPC Awoken on the Reef actually walked off a ledge and fell. Has anyone else ever seen this happen?

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