With the possibility of another update not coming until Fall. Will you be quitting Destiny due to no new content for the next 5+ months?
I'll play other games but will never "quit" destiny.
I probably won't play the whole time but I'll be back when there's more to do
Already did. Ran through CoE three times. That was it. Until they release moments of triumphs then I'll get all those done. Stale game is stale. Having more fun playing FF7.
I haven't quit yet, so......no!!
Already did
What is your point here?!
Have no choice but to quit there will be nothing for me to do in a few weeks once I get every single piece of loot up to 335. They made it waay to casual friendly and easy to level up
If by quitting you mean play other games while I await for new content. Yes. Dropping the game completely...why?
Been here since Beta and one good reason I'm still around is because every three months or so I take a month or two off. Play other games, let it settle. Otherwise I'd feel too burned out. I will probably take June/July off and be back in August to ramp up for the expansion
Most likely. Fall is a long way off especially for just an update. I just came back to play Destiny after 6 plus months off and it's not gonna take till fall to do the things I want.
Nope, since I've had to cut down on my play time, it's my chance to catch up and get back to doing my favourite thing: helping kinderguardians.