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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
originally posted in: [DIGITAL_DOJO]
4/24/2016 2:04:19 PM
[b]Trumpets, horns and flutes begin to play as confetti fires from the collusium.[/b] WELCOME! BLOOD CRAZED FANS, VIEWERS AND COMBATANTS. TO THE SEMI-FINALS OF THE FIERCE TOURNAMENT! Now I know many of you are excited! I am too! Seriously I got pretzels and everything. For this next fight! But first! Let's take a look at the combatants.... [b][i]Zane: Zane fought Tesuto where he got the shit ruthlessly kicked out of him by the tea drinker. But in the end, Zane pulled through! His next fight was against Mega mortar! The fight where I ran out of red cards! Either way, the heated battle in the pig slaughter house ended with Mortars defeat! Stratos: Stratooooos. Robot ghost dude! Stratos had his first fight against Maya! What an interesting fight to say the least! Stratos, with oh so few limbs left, used His opponents cursed weapon against her! By tearing it out of her! Wow! Talk about pulling out! Then Stratos went to fight headshot. Who...left for some reason during the fight... Ya that was pretty boring. Ninja: THE BOSS MAN MADE IT! Wow! Honestly, didn't see that coming. Considering how he barely defeated PoFeh in the first round! Then again, I suppose he defeated a physical incarnation of death... Then Ninja went on to fight Tubbs! Holy shit munchkins. This was one hectic fight! Where Ninja had to take on two different forms of Tubbs. Then, Ninja finally grew a pair of balls and when't friggen Satanic crusader on him! Yaaaaa then he lost his balls. Either way! The judges picked him to move on![/i][/b] These are your Semi-Finalists folks! The first fight will start...VERY SOON! WHOOOO! LETS GET BLOODY!

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