Bring Me The Horizon is not a good taste in music and neither is Lil Wayne.
Never heard of either of them. But I'll bet they're Prince fans.
And I'll bet you're a troll from the 4chan forums. Assumptions are great, right?
What's a 4chan? Truly... never heard of it, either. I'm just an old guy who sees nothing to like about this guy or his music. Johnny Cash... now THERE was a legend of music. Warren Zevon, ditto. Elvis.... not as much.
Fair enough if you don't like his music, not much of a fan either truthfully, but there is always room for respect, even if it's someone you don't like.
I am sorry for his family. Everyone has family. But there's no reason (in my mind) to spend the next several days or weeks on TV retrospectives of his life and death, any more than there was for Michael Jackson (who had one decent album).