At Warpriest CP and goin do challenge. 318+. Message on XBL. Need 5.
Looking for fresh run or totems Msg for inv or feel free to inv
329 lock looking for oryx cp
Need 2 at totems 330+
Need one for oryx checkpoint challenge message relaxingbubble for invite
Need 4 for oryx 325+
Need 3 oryx challenge, 320+.
Need three for hard oryx be 315+ and have experience
Oryx 315+ must need mic msg Mrkillzonex
Fresh hard raid and challenge 420 light plus blaze it fam Must have year 4 gjallhorn Msg future breeze for inv
334 warlock hosting fresh raid. 330+ message durrdaddy666 class and level for invite
Need 5 for oryx hard doing challenge 320+
323 lock with Tom and spindle looking for fresh or totems inv me
Edited by Sono: 4/22/2016 6:22:41 PM322 Hunter at Golgoroth Looking for 2 titans must be 310+ gt same as above
Need one for oryx checkpoint challenge message relaxingbubble
Need 5 for oryx hard doing challenge 320+
318 nightstalker looking for Oryx challenge mode. I have experience and can run anything. Please no squeakers and have experience. Don't want to waste time.
325 warlock, have Oryx CP looking to join group to do Oryx ONLY. Please no squeakers or idiots, fast run, experienced players only. inv 'yDreamseller'
Need 2 fresh run. Message mcfrostyyy
Need 3 for hard totem run for invt msg crimsonpapote with class
Need 3 for hard totem run for invt msg crimsonpapote with class
324 hunter looking to do oryx challenge. Gt above
325 Titan (experienced) LF quick hard Fresh run or Oryx Challenge MSG XB1 GT: SUBTLECHAOS prefer no squeakers and experienced team! Don't want to waste time.
Looking for a team too blow through a raid Must be 325+ Must know what you are doing If not you will be replaced Gt Apoligetic
Need 1 at totems GT above 315+ GT above
333 Titan looking for hard raid fresh run with experienced group invite HBAR13
Doing fresh run. Need 4. GT same.