At Warpriest CP and goin do challenge. 318+. Message on XBL. Need 5.
Welcome to Apex Gunners guardians, We are accepting new recruits! We only have three simple requirements: 1. Be 319+ light 2.You have to consider yourself a hardcore destiny player. 3.There is a zero tolerance for squeakers and nonsense and 21+ years of age. The fight against the darkness is just starting and it will get tougher in our solar system and beyond. We need to stand united and as a crew to overcome these future battles. Join Apex Gunners! We have 28 memebers! Once you join, you'll be part of a brotherhood that will stand by your side in all future battles against the darkness.
Need 1 for gogolrath cp Message on xbox Gt same
Need two Titans for oryx cp message in game
320 Titan , lf4 for fresh , need experience people , msg Kvng Machoo your light & class for a inv , 315+,
333 titan LFG with exp* at totems or warpriest. Msg or invite... lickwid elite
Need 1 for fresh run message X KARL
333 titan LFG with exp* at totems or warpriest. Msg or invite... lickwid elite
Need 1 hunter for fresh run KF hard mode. Going for oryx challenge
Need 5 must be 320+ for hard fresh
318 warlock looking for fresh start GT: xXTXICxRosesXx
Need 1 more for fresh run KF hard mode. Going for challenge.
Need 4 for totems Send me you light&class for in Gt lucky7elvin
Need 1 for hard gol be 315+ message iAnnihilate vR be a hunter
Welcome to Apex Gunners guardians, We are accepting new recruits! We only have three simple requirements: 1. Be 319+ light 2.You have to consider yourself a hardcore destiny player. 3.There is a zero tolerance for squeakers and nonsense and 21+ years of age. The fight against the darkness is just starting and it will get tougher in our solar system and beyond. We need to stand united and as a crew to overcome these future battles. Join Apex Gunners! We have 28 memebers! Once you join, you'll be part of a brotherhood that will stand by your side in all future battles against the darkness.
332 lock for totem gt above 325+ please
Lf 4 kf fresh run 315+ message gt piglet cannon
Welcome to Apex Gunners guardians, We are accepting new recruits! We only have three simple requirements: 1. Be 319+ light 2.You have to consider yourself a hardcore destiny player. 3.There is a zero tolerance for squeakers and nonsense and 21+ years of age. The fight against the darkness is just starting and it will get tougher in our solar system and beyond. We need to stand united and as a crew to overcome these future battles. Join Apex Gunners! We have 28 memebers! Once you join, you'll be part of a brotherhood that will stand by your side in all future battles against the darkness.
Need 5 must be 320+ for hard fresh
328 hunter lf fresh run hard gt syg unknown
Need one 330+ for oryx challenge mode message for an invite
Need 1 for oryx preferred Titan 325+ msg neofly74 for invite
Need 2 for kings fall hard fresh run 318+ msg AAAAAAAANDERSON for inv (8 A's)
Need 1 for oryx 315 + msg light and class in game for inv
Oryx checkpoint on hard. Must be 320+ light. Msg servin lean bro for inv ( preferably Titan )
Need 3 more for KF hard mode. Going for challenge. Just finished running it, going again. GT is name. Message for invite. We got 1 Titan and 2 warlocks so far