At Warpriest CP and goin do challenge. 318+. Message on XBL. Need 5.
Edited by Its Just Facts: 4/22/2016 7:39:49 PMKf hard golg cp 316+ need 4 Be experienced Msg gt above for inv
320 Titan , lf4 for totem , need experience people , msg Kvng Machoo your light & class for a inv , 315+
Need one titan for oryx challenge
1 more oryx cp.... msg stickyhaddock25 ingame
Looking for 2 warlocks and 2 hunters. I'm a 330 titan and the other is a 329 titan. Message SHEFFBABYx your light and sub for invite x
Need team for sisters and oryx challenge, need two titans. Gt, Melaniejustice
320 titan looking for fresh. Msg on xbox
Need 1 at golgoroth
Need 1 for war priest Message X KARL
Lf 2 hard raid, totems cp. Message gt piglet cannon
Need 5 320+ for fresh start I'm 333 hunter Message me for invite gt fakexnoobsniper
oryx cp....m msg stickyhaddock25 ingame for inv.... no kids
Need 2 for fresh hard 320+ mes SHORT LION for inv
Need 3 for oryx cp hard mode doin challenge need one to be Titan message somesavageshiz for inv be 320+ know what ur doing
Need 4 warpriest cp hard 320+ have experience
320 Titan , lf4 for totems , need experience people , msg Kvng Machoo your light & class for a inv , 315+,
Need 1 for Golgoroth Cp Hard must be 320+ /good snipper/Mic send Inv : Heinekenbier
316 hunter looking for a fresh. I know what to do.
Need 5 at totems cp .327 warlock
322 Hunter looking for daughters cp gt same as above
324 hunter looking for fresh 3 character this week and I have all the needed gear Inv vitiman iLL
Need people Golgoroth checkpoint on King's Fall (HARD) on Xbox one. Message gamertag above for invite and please.... Lookin to get through this quick?! No games
Need people Golgoroth checkpoint on King's Fall (HARD) on Xbox one. Message gamertag above for invite and please.... Lookin to get through this quick?! No games
321 hunter looking for fresh hard raid. Invite J Bellz
Need 4 318+ sisters cp. doing oryx challenge
Need 4 for oryx 325++ Message GT same as above ^^