At Warpriest CP and goin do challenge. 318+. Message on XBL. Need 5.
Edited by Mr Banana: 4/23/2016 3:52:03 AMNeed 5 (including 2 Titans) for oryx cp. must have experience and be 318+. Gt is GhostlyManiac73
333 Hunter Lf EXPERIENCED group at golgoroth or warpriest. Get sharkhunter81
315 lock to join fresh run, Gt same as above.
Need 4 for fresh run. Msg DeathTirent
Need 1 at totems. Msg Fifty Mums for inv
Need 1 for fresh run. CONAN9845
Need 1 320+ for totems cp Message me for invite gt fakexnoobsniper
Lf3 for wp cp hard 320+ light msg on 1
Need 1 for hard totems
322 need 5 for oryx message gamer tag above
Need 4 for oryx cp Msg gt above for invite
332 Hunter Looking for fresh run and I would prefer to run relic at oryx. GT: Faulker G I also have similar light Warlock and Titan....trying to get them all done tonight.
Fresh run im 321 looking for 4 people msg k1ller5130 for invite
Need 4 for Fresh [b]Hard[/b] run with Oryx challenge. Must know what you're doing. GT same as above, please respond with Light & Level.
Need one for hard totems 318+ message for invite doing challenge adult only pls
Need 2 for fresh run. CONAN9845
Need 1 titan for fresh start
320+ light Needs Titans/Hunter Fresh Please have mic Message TieaMiea with class
320 titan looking for sisters cp i have plenty of experience and know all strats inv gt same as above
320+ light Needs 2 titans + 1 hunter Fresh Please have mic Message TieaMiea with class
Need 5 for fresh 321 + only message a wild atheon your light
Need 5 for fresh 321 + only message a wild atheon your light
Starting a oryx cp run of kings fall hard mode we will be doing the challenge I need 2 people to join who are Titans and are skilled and are level 325+ message me for an invite on Xbox GT: The iPodTouchMe
332 Hunter Looking for fresh run and I would prefer to run relic at oryx. GT: Faulker G I also have similar light Warlock and Titan....trying to get them all done tonight.
Need 1 for totems hard
Hello 329 Titan hosting ORYX Hard CP, Need 5 more. Light level min 315; Must have emblem equipped for oryx hard completion (no sho no go); and If you cause 2 wipes you will be replaced. Thank you msg Buglock for an inv!!!!