At Warpriest CP and goin do challenge. 318+. Message on XBL. Need 5.
Lets cut to the chase... I need 5 people with at LEAST 315 light that are experienced... I am at a GOLGOROTH checkpoint and am willing to get this done for that sweet sweet gear.... Gt is as above
Need 2 for sisters cp. Msg xxxxrellikxxxx on Xbox for invite.
Need one for oryx cp and challenge msg gt for invite
My nd my best friend are looking for fresh hard raid. Im a 317 warlock Hes 327 and warlock too cua you know, master race. trying to get me leveld up a bit more for trials Invite CoffeeCup2015
Need 4 people for kf raid hard fresh start send message to NorthBay YEE
Need 3 for fresh run 320+ Need 1 hunter at least
Need 2 for fresh run. Msg Ladygunfire646 no little kids!!
Looking for 5 for oryx cp. we are doing challenge. Must have mic and have ToM. Must message gt: same as above
Fresh hard raid. 320 and above only. Message for invite. Have knowledge on how to do the challenge. Message for invite
Fresh hard raid. 320 and above only. Message for invite. Have knowledge on how to do the challenge. Message for invite
Need one runner oryx cp on hard, 320+ with experience. Msg narnz88 for invite.
Need 2 330+ for oryx 2 titans preferred Mic required Msg chobble on xbox with class and light level
328 lock for oryx cp gt above
Need 3 for hard totems cp.. At least 1 titan.. Please know the raid. Doing challenge
330 hunter looking for totems or fresh experienced group. Invt gt xGanjaGuardianx
Fresh hard raid. 320 and above only. Message for invite. Have knowledge on how to do the challenge. Message for invite
Fresh hard raid. 320 and above only. Message for invite. Have knowledge on how to do the challenge. Message for invite
Fresh hard raid. 320 and above only. Message for invite. Have knowledge on how to do the challenge. Message for invite
315 hunter need 3 for oryx cp, 310+ with mic be familiar with raid msg gamertag above for inv
Need 1 golgoroth
Tired of everyday destiny? How about a trip to the lighthouse? Just follow and jump in my backpack :)
Need 3 for hard oryx cp challenge. 325+ gt badboy33syx
Need 5 for HM oryx CP 320+ Msg rr blizzy for fast inv.
Need 1 for sisters CP HARD Msg : OMGitsKevinKing
Need 5 hard oryx Cp doing challenge 325+ light Message RoyalAcid137
Need 1 for sisters CP HARD Msg : OMGitsKevinKing