Did you know that Bungie helped develop the Ps4 controller? They were working directly with Sony long before Activision came around.
Xbox players are probaly lucky Activision's stepped in otherwise it's very possible Destiny could if been an PlayStation exclusive as a whole.
they could of kept it that way wouldnt change the fact i quit destiny 6 months ago cuz it was boring the grinding the same content over and over.. clearly u didnt cuz u are a desticle
Lol who cares why are u on the forums still
No I didn't quit because I actually enjoy the game the few hours I play a day. Now should you be cheesing The Divisions broken ass "raid" or something not trolling these forums?
Edited by PatientZero4018: 4/19/2016 7:06:00 PMim sorry i stopped playing that game when the update came out as i seen who they where trying to copy...but besides that i bought the game at midnight of release day did u ? i bet not u probably joined in during the new year rush and became a desticle in a week
Nope week 2 of year one actually. I was the lvl 5 exo Titan dancing in the loot cave making all the lvl 20's rage.
right so u missed the jellyhorn and while screwing urself out of loot made urself look like an ass good job m8 bad b8 i r8 0/8
Your sentence structure makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry. Did you even go to primary school?
It would be fine of the whole game was exclusive.