originally posted in:Iron Hamster
Hello-Guardians(^-^)/ !
One of me & my Fireteams favorite things to notice in this beautiful gamerworld of ours is a clever Gamertag ! Whether it's a fellow Guardian at the Tower or an opponent in the Crucible, a good Gamertag is always appreciated.
So share with us the origin of your gamertag! Why did you choose it & what does it mean to you? No judgements here(^.^)!
I'll start: Professor Hikita is a character from one of my Fireteams favorite 1984 scifi movies "Buckaroo Banzai" , he was the Japanese scientist on Team Buckaroo responsible for inventing the Over Thruster( I recommend the movie if you haven't caught it yet ). Most of my gamer friends use names from this movie.
We really welcome you guys to share with us your "Batman" names here!
Thanks always for your kindness & attention
P. Hikita of iron hamsters clan NYC
[quote][b]Ninja edit:[/b] [spoiler]This thread has been moved to the #Destiny forum. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140391030/0/0]See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Destiny tag and its uses.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/4878]Spawn,[/url] for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler][/quote]
Scorpions reference of course :)
Names Vegas and I'm really dirty. Duh
Keyboard mashing
2chainz reference (iTrap) 2 chainz-Where you been My b-day (911)
I am Brygjold, master of using fantasy name generators.
I got mine after my first 3 were reported and banned (n1ggl3c4kes, banggbus, castingcouch) so I did a post in Facebook and my friend said knockinpistols so that's my new gt.
PoorSchnookius is short for "Poorius Schnookius"; a fake Latin name given to Wile E. Coyote in one particular cartoon Roadrunner/Coyote episode.
Name Generator.
Mike was taken (obviously) Everything up to mmmmmmmmike was taken. Figured that'd be annoying on lfg. So made the i a lowercase L. Was taken as well as MMlKE. So settled with MMMlKE
I don't even remember. I made this gt several years ago when I was like twelve lol
I still have my gamer tag that was created for me in 2008 hahaha, I still have my free gamer tag name change they give you hahahaha
Been called a rebellious person all my life, so it was a no brainer
Ladon is the dragon that is cursed to keep watch over the golden apple tree. Loved Greek mythos so it was an easy choice. Fun listening too people try to pronounce it and easily shortened.
Had mine since 2007. GT: OmniDevil Omni: Fan of the ME series and the Omni-Tool is awesome! Devil: Fan of the DMC series Decided to put the two together.
Neopy is my username for everywhere and I like destiny
I like bacon. Mic drop
I used to watch a cod player named got drums, he used to beat box and mess with other people online, so that's where I got the got part of my name, and memories is because I'm a thinker I mainly keep to myself and just remember things that happened before. My other gamer tag was going to be secretsociety cause I used to play with a group of friends offline a lot
Kuwabara is a character from one of my favorite animal series Yu Yu Hakusho.
My PSN Name is PainfulQuandary because it is my favorite Magic Card in Magic The Gathering. My GT SEPHR1X is named after a character in a book I am making on my free time.
I'm an Onyx Guard.
My roommates and I really enjoy comic books and the movie adaptations of them, and we were watching the animated movie "Under The Red Hood." His character is absolutely fascinating, so I decided to change my gamer tag to it!
This is the name i was given when i made a new account on xbone. But for some reason everyone says turnable instead of tunable
This was my first toon's name in Everquest 14 years ago and I've kept it ever since.
My name is Joe and joeeeeeeeeeeeee was already taken so I just whacked some numbers in there. Sometimes I'm amazed by my own creativeness.
Combined two of my favorite game series. N7 is for Mass Effect and Inquisitor from Drsgon Age Inquisition.