I'm not suprised… this new [b]pay-to-win[/b]-esque tactic I'm hearing of is making me think of deleting Destiny from my console for more space. What do you guys think?
[spoiler]It's no question that bungie is up to some shady tactics here. That's why there are no options for "Bungie is making a legitimate business move" on the poll.[/spoiler]
I also changed the name to be more precise.
And yes, I haven't played destiny since october because I got bored. So I don't understand everything that's going on.
[spoiler]You guys are all so thin-skinned… just because I make a post that you happen not to agree with I'm suddenly:
Just to name a few.[/quote]
As I said to someone on this thread earlier, [u]I don't need to be a part of this community but you don't have to be so rude[/u].
Also; [i]this is a legitimate post[/i]. Not b8. Just because I posted in #Destiny doesn't mean I need a -blam!-ing lisence to post here.[/spoiler]
There's no way they will not scale it up. What players accept now will not be a patch on what is to come, but you can't stop it.
"We will not stop releasing meaningless content and superficial cosmetics until your pockets are totally empty."-Bungie
Can't wait to solo oryx with my light level 3 gear
I pretty much gave up hope for Bungie the day they announced Eververse. As expected it has corrupted Destiny to its very core. Not even a joke: the core of Destiny is loot grinding and you don't have to bother anymore. I can't really blame them for finding a hell cheap way of making money and "keeping the community playing" while they devote 99% of Bungie to Destiny 2. On the other hand, that doesn't mean I haven't lost almost all my faith in a company I once loved.
Carl: Hey guys I'm taken *carl is taken* Me: shut up carl, nobody likes you
Where's the completely fine with the update option
Pay to skip time? More like "Pay if your impatient." You know that if they didn't put the sterling boxes at eververse people would of complained about only 3 boxes per week.
Please explain why everyone keeps calling this "Pay2Win"? One argument I've see is that the sterling packages have rep boosters. So in essence, you could pop a crucible booster, rank up faster than those who don't, get faction packets and essential farm rep until you get weapons with "god rolls". However, you could also grind for 8hours straight and still get jack shit. In terms of the armor, those who play PvP religiously, already have armor with their preferred perks. If they happen to get a Taken armor piece with the same perks, it may not have the right int/dis/str roll.. If the stars align and it does, just infuse your already perfect gear into the taken gear, its the exact same thing, just a cosmetic change. To me, this wont be pay to win unless they specifically sell maxed level gear with perks and stats so godly ridiculous it puts all other gear in the game to shame and the ONLY way to get it would be to buy it. Until that happens, it doesn't bother me. If that happens, you are specifically paying for gear that is better then anything someone could grind to get. Thus you Pay for Gear that is better, thus, Pay2Win
Nobody gets it seriously your all idiots. Well not all of you. You all defined destiny for adding armor to the pay to win list. Seriously do you all work for destiny on these forms ? What next seriously guns more armor only obtainable gear on the pay to win list that's growing. They put out the pay for stuff and said it will never be armor or gear there words not mine and look at um now...... Seriously this is not salt its truth... It's gonna grow and grow and now's the time to stop it. You guys are opening a door once that door is open there's no stopping it!!!
Biased poll is biased
bad b8
Can I get an explanation thats valid and coherent on how this is currently pay to win, the armor isnt any different from the armor you already have
This is bassically bungie standing on the line of Pay 2 Win while leaning towards it.
Just delete it. Turn around and don't come back.
You forgot the "this post sucks" option. Sorry, can't vote now.
Edited by aMcConghie16: 4/15/2016 11:29:20 PMI think your either looking for attention or over reacting. Nothing you do or anybody else does effects how I play so I don't care. Get over it it's a reality for all games today. Also if there were weapons that you could get from said package is the only way it would be paid to win.
You get this armor at level three and have to actually play to get higher level stuff. Pay to win means you pay money and instantly get the best gear in the game. This is not pay to win
cant be betrayed when you only expect crap from these guys now.
There's no pay to win. The armor is just cosmetic
I don't see how getting light lvl 3 armor is pay to win anything, you still have to play to get high gear.
Edited by daveg35: 4/14/2016 10:06:38 PMDon't really know what's going on, hasn't played in months. Still makes post -facepalm-
"I havn't played destiny in almost half a year, but I'm going to make a biased poll based on what read on the forums" Yea dude. Sounds legit...
Didn't even bother voting. Not even remotely pay to win. Pay to look cool maybe.
It's not pay to win. Grow some balls and stop being a pussy.