Just like sega and the dreamcast the xbox franchise has one leg in the the grave. With xbox announcing its new cross play this looks to be the nail in the coffin for xbox! Soon xbox will just be like sega and only make games lmao this is a big problem seeing that all of xbox's exclusive's all suck! You fanboys praise phil spencer but in reality he is by far the worst thing to ever happen to xbox....remember this xbox died on his watch! Now if you excuse I am going to go lift some weights and stare at myself in the mirror. Let me know what you all think....I am always listening;)
Treebark it will pump you up
This post is brought to you by broken steel 3 your bungie forum heavyweight champion and author of the award winning poem Tears of the Fanboy
God I realize you're trolling but can Xbox get some players on their team I see way more ps console war posts now
Just waiting for ps4 to be able to play ps3 games that i already own
... What sort of logic did I just read? There are many reasons the Xbox franchise could conceivably go under. I'm not quite sure what you were getting at, but it's not one of them.
How many paint chips did you eat as a child?
But Steel.. I have a Dreamcast on my phone. :( Steel pls
Just like you. ;D
This is what happened when bungie left Microsoft. The forums are now floodingwith psn users. #Makeb.netGreatAgain
[quote]Just like sega and the dreamcast the xbox franchise has one leg in the the grave. With xbox announcing its new cross play this looks to be the nail in the coffin for xbox! Soon xbox will just be like sega and only make games lmao this is a big problem seeing that all of xbox's exclusive's all suck! You fanboys praise phil spencer but in reality he is by far the worst thing to ever happen to xbox....remember this xbox died on his watch! Now if you excuse I am going to go lift some weights and stare at myself in the mirror. Let me know what you all think....I am always listening;) Treebark it will pump you up This post is brought to you by broken steel 3 your bungie forum heavyweight champion and author of the award winning poem Tears of the Fanboy[/quote] Bump
Nah should be ok
In reality, Microsoft(Xbox) makes 10x more than Sony(PlayStation) so if anything PS will die first.
Cross-play takes two to tango. Just think about that for a sec...
You better hope not! You will pay like $1000 or equivalent for a PS. You know the whole supply-and-demand thing.
It won't be if kh3 comes out! I don't care though I'm on ps4
*has halo avatar*
-sets up salt stand- Hello everyone! Due to the courageous efforts of Mr. Broken Steel 3, we are now able to open our 10 millionth salt stand! -bells chiming, confetti everywhere- Let the salt flow!
Im moist
The PS4 is the only thing that Sony does now, they better hope the PlayStation sells.
*chews treebark* How is cross-play bad? I think it would be great, but I'm not sure how they will integrate PSN and XBOX LIVE.
OP forgets Microsoft is insanely rich and can choose to make or not make the Xbox at will regardless, lol!
This kid is everywhere. Literally all he does is troll. I don't know how you don't have anything else to do in life besides going onto a gaming forum and being a douche bag. Go get some pussy for Christ's sake.
Fanboy is just salty
Fanboy... Microsoft is damn ritch boy. 😂😂😂
Xbox and Playstation are identical. It just matters what games you like in your decision to get one over the other. Xbox wont die out anytime soon
idk who I enjoy more, the post or the salty fanbois