A lot of people have not been using shotguns on PVE since the TTK expansion was deployed. In my opinion the cause of this problem is because Swords are way too strong! A simple solution would be to nerf the damage and ammo of the swords so people would have more options and not just rely on a melee heavy weapon!
Thumbs up if you agree!
F uck no. Why say nerf swords because shotguns aren't powerful? Just buff shotguns for pve that's all bungie needs to do. If they nerf swords I will be pissed
You're -blam!-ing kidding me right? You just went FULL retard my friend! Do you not know the difference between a secondary and a heavy? Sit down, take a deep breath, stfu, and go play Lego Batman! Muted!
Lmao. yes please nerf everything. Great Troll post btw. Continue to do this so bungie listens more and completely ruins the game, as they have been doing. 5 months Destiny sober.
Never go full retard.
I agree, nerf fusion rifles.
Fukc ur mom
....I don't even....no.....how...why...
Go home dammit, your drunk
No lol
*face palm*
Pretty good attempt at being a troll brah.
Wow I thought i seen it all but you sir have proven me wrong how about you go step on Lego and get hit by a truck.
I do think Swords over power through enemies pretty well. But you can get caught in the crossfire real easily though.
Dumbest thing ever said on the forums, and that's no small accomplishment. You lost the Internet today. -1
I'd would prefer that Bungie leaves swords as they are . Maybe bring back the damage to shotguns before they were nerfed . Swords are for Close quarters and they should rival a shotgun. But the state of shotguns makes it so that swords (especially raze-lighter) are being used more often for their damage output. But you need to bring the fact that a sword consumes heavy ammo which is less frequently dropped
Are you dumb?
The use of shotguns is so low because the damage they do is now lower then they ever where in game history. What you should be demanding is a buff to shotgun damage in pve.
Quite frankly, I'm happy that people aren't using shotguns as religiously as before. If swords keep those camping shotgunning fuc,ks in check then awesome. Tired of the damn shotguns. It's like CoDs ever famous over powered shotguns all over again
No it's not swords it's because of all the needs so shotguns that made everyone drop them they finally hit rock bottom when it feels like your carrying a tank in your hands. Slowed aim, slow draw, slow reload, reduced slide and slow recovery. All this made fusion rifles a better option in PVE
You don't nerf one weapon to make another more viable, if anything shotguns should be buffed
I think people don't understand jokes. [spoiler]Nice b8 m8 i give 8/8[/spoiler]
Is this satire? The only problem I have with swords is that they are almost exactly the same as bladedancer super, yet when I use a sword on bladedancer it does significantly better than using the super.
I'm just gonna hide this post...
Bad b8