This post is for xbox one users. Here you can find a team to go flawless. If you haven't noticed it. Destiny reset everyones Elo score, so yeah, check for yourself. Good luck guardians! I will have a link to Destiny Trials Report for you guys to use.
Need one person for flawless please be decent
Looking for one for bounties will give flawless a try message gt
Top 1% 50 dtr 1850 elo 1.6 Titan. Need 2 team players for fast flawless. Nothing less than a 1.5kd. MUST BE SIMILAR STATS TO ME, DO NOT MESSAGE ME IF YOU DONT MEET THESE REQS.
Need one badass to help me get my friend to lighthouse!!
1.55 kd warlock Need some one to match
316 Warlock looking for a team I've got a 1.1 KD Been Flawless 4+ times in y2 Don't be shit Invite: SquishyYum
Looking for anyone that can help me get flawless I got six wins before but my team lagged out
Lf 2 that can help me get to the light house for the 1st time. Been close but bever got there. Message on xbox for inv
Anyone know what the weapon/armor is this week
Need 2 1.5 KD+ only please.
2 x 320 Titans we have both been flawless this weekend, and many times before. Our KD's are positive. We are looking for a really good trials legend to join us for a flawless run, no noobs apply please "Master Munk" for the invite
319 Titan looking to join a chill team for bounties and possible flawless attempt if we work well together. Kd 0.94 (not the best but working on it) invite gt SHAFT089
MSG mtrx71 For Flawless run Send Ur Stats And Class INCLUDING KD ........ill be checking I'm a 1.59
Trying to go flawless must have a kd of 1.0 elo 1500 or better message threw Xbox what u run I already been flawless a few times this years I know what doing I need 2 NO SQUEAKERS!!!!!
MSG mtrx71 For Flawless run Send Ur Stats And Class INCLUDING KD ........ill be checking I'm a 1.59
Need 1 Sweat For A Quick Flawless Must Have Been Flawless Multiple Times Must Be Able To Hold Your Own My Friend Hasn't Been Flawless But He Can Hold His Own No Squeakers Be Chill My Stats 319 Bladedancer 1.06KD 1542 ELO 51% WINS 10x Flawless Message zX Krush
1780 Elo titan looking for team with similar
Looking for one for trials above 1500 elo and above 1.2 kd. Msg chunk8410
Need one 300+ light
Need one for chill bounties Message on xbox
Hello Trials Gamers I'm looking for 2 gamers to go to the Lighthouse with! Find me streaming on Twitch at Message me over Xbox live my GT is Narcissizm. followers get first invites into the game. Must have a Microphone My GT is Narcissizm Want to join my clan request Invite Team Diversity Not looking to carry I will not be talking but am very good.
Need 2 for trials looking to go flawless must be 310 or above message me for inv GT- Black Fools
Need 2 sweats for flawless run must have been flawless before msg light and class to gt above for inv
Looking to join a team team must be good and at least one player have the DOCTRINE OF PASSING I have the 320 Doctrine of passing 319 thousand yard with HIDDEN HAND 320 TRUTH Must have gone 9-0 before and be good snipers Message: THExLITxUNICORN
Looking to join a team team must be good and at least one player have the DOCTRINE OF PASSING I have the 320 Doctrine of passing 319 thousand yard with HIDDEN HAND 320 TRUTH Must have gone 9-0 before and be good snipers Message: THExLITxUNICORN