This post is for xbox one users. Here you can find a team to go flawless. If you haven't noticed it. Destiny reset everyones Elo score, so yeah, check for yourself. Good luck guardians! I will have a link to Destiny Trials Report for you guys to use.
Need 2 to go flawless message for inv
Need 1 for bounties
Titan 1.5 kd 1800 Elo Need one, have positive kd Msg for inv Gt: ceratedstew
Need two for trials Going for flawless Msg on Xbox Gt same 316 warlock Must have some experience and been flawless before I will check
- FREE trials carries for followers! Top 1% players!
316 warlock for flawless run Inv this gt
Looking for two sweats to farm scarab emblem with. Only requirement is that you have a 9 win card. I have 9 wins with my mercy still, so the same would be preferred. Message or invite RainbowShark159.
Need one for trials dont suck
Titan with 1.3 k/d and 1817 ELO looking for equally skilled teammates (I will be checking stats) gt same name
Need some sweaty people help me get to the light house send message
Lf 2 that can help me get to the light house for the 1st time. Been close but bever got there. Message on xbox for inv
Need one more for flawless run. Have at least 2000+ elo. Msg for inv. Gt same as above
Need 2 gardians for a flawless run have a positive KD and be able to hold you're own and don't be a douche bag we can try as many times as we want gt same as above must have dropped you're balls about 2 inches to play thanks
Need 1 for trials have a positive kd
Need 2 for bounties GT same as above msg for invite
317 titan Lf chill team to go flawless with Quick res Gt undefinedw0lf
Warlock 314 looking to go flawless been flawless b4 gt same as above
Top 1% Player Trials FOR FUN Msg: An Entiity
Need 2 gardians for a flawless run have a positive KD and be able to hold you're own and don't be a douche bag we can try as many times as we want gt same as above
Looking for a trails group
316 Titan 1.2+KD 1700+ELO, ELO lower right now, been helping out my PvE friends 60Xflawless Looking for a solid team that can hold their own
317 hunter Lf chill team to go flawless no kids please. Quick res Gt undefinedw0lf
Need two for bounties. Gt The Majula Pig.
1.47 KD. 300. Titan. GT: [b]We Are Grooot
1500 elo, warlock, and a warlock, looking for one more GOOD player. DO NOT WASTE OUR TIME WITH SCRUBS, WE CANT CARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gt same, send MESSAGE FOR INVITE please.