Confirmed: Bungie's developers have never played in Trials of Osiris or Iron Banner. They have also likely never been hit by a Firebolt with Viking-Funeral activated.
Look, my first character in Destiny, way back in the Closed-BETA, was a Warlock. I loved my Warlock from that time on. There was a time, for a long period, where I would be the sole Warlock on a RAID-Team of Titans and Hunters. It wasn't until TTK dropped and I got a Spark of Light that I decided, "I don't like my Warlocks look anymore. I'll remake it."
After that I became invested in my Titan and have since neglected my Warlock. But the point is: I was an avid, devout Warlock Player, and I can STILL acknowledge that Firebolts are OP. Let's not even get into the Aim-Assist for StormCaller Melee conversation right now. We don't even have to discuss the frequency with which the StormCaller's Super gets so much Aim-Assist that it GLITCHES OUT and kills people half-way across the Map.
What's that? "I've never seen that Happen with StormCaller. You're full of shit."?? Well, here. [url=]See for yourself.[/url]
Let's just stick to the fact that Bungie is literally too dense and inexperienced with their own product to know that something desperately needs to be re-balanced.
You idiot. In the first sentence of your post you invalidated yourself