Hello PC gamers. I'm trying to join your Masterrace :D. I decided on setting out on the quest of building my own gaming rig and yet had reached multiple impasses. Mostly around price and hardware, as usual. Anyway I was wondering if you could take a look at two rigs I was debating between.
Basically which is the best for my money.
Rig 1(Cheaper):http://pcpartpicker.com/p/jxZ4RB
Rig 2(Expensive[er?]:http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3Zg2NG
If there is anything you would change let me know. Also what games will I be able to play and at what settings and frames?
Thirdly, Do you recommend I get something completely different, spend more, spend less,etc?
Lastly, which color setup do you prefer?(With LEDs of course) Blue, Green, or Red?
I really like black and red themes for my pc. The more expensive one will run your games better, but the cheaper one is still a console killer! If frame rates and graphics isn't your #1 priority, then I would get the cheaper one. Save some of that extra money for the Steam Summer Sale!