It's true, anyone who still runs the raid must be a potato
Oh and I just saw that you main a hunter...typical. Just more BS from a whiny hunter.
Are you actually retarded? I don't "main" anything
Really??? Because your stats say otherwise. The first character always being the oldest one shows on top and it is a hunter. Also your hunter has over 100 hrs more play time than any of your other characters. So how am I retarded for calling you a hunter main when the facts back me up?
So just because I made a hunter first its automatically my "main" nice one m8
So by your logic, anyone who plays crucible only must be a potato as well. Dumbass...The crucible is more SSDD than running the raid every week. You people make me sick.
You're also very funny
Or they truly don't enjoy pvp at all. That's always a possibility.
well, they may not like PvP, and they don't have to, but PvE is dead af there's nothing to do if you're not at least Light lvl 315 yet R.I.P. you