Because like bungie I don't care about you, your feelings or what you think.
Neither do I. [spoiler]Muted[/spoiler]
Cool story, bro!
Hahaha you're on a role. Thank you
Oh, such a scathing retort. At least you managed to not attack me with ellipses, so I'm proud of you for that. :)
You talk like a homo.
not sure why. But this made me laugh too damn hard.
I don't understand how you could possibly know how I talk. You haven't heard me speaking, you've only read what I've typed. :)
Edited by Qore 4: 4/6/2016 2:24:31 PMPeople write how they talk. Ergo, you talk like a homo. Didn't think I needed to spell that out for you.
you must be a little kid.
Edited by UnboundRelyks: 4/6/2016 2:25:40 PMI certainly hope that I talk like a homo sapien. It's a weird one, but thanks for the compliment, friend. :)
You do realise by how didn't give 2 shits about pvp from release to HOise of Wolves. ...
Yeah because every update and patch after HOW dropped wasn't a balancing patch, focused on trials or IB........didn't the huge weapon re-balancing take place during HOW?
You just repeated what I said. And yes it was During because the PVP was worse off at the time.