>be me
>be 18
>playing Animal Crossing New Leaf like a boss
>a peppy duckling named PomPom lives in my town. She's cute, and we're really good friends
>I talk to her and she asks if I could get her a peach
>happily oblige
>give her a perfect peach from one of my many perfect peach trees I have planted around town so she'll be forced to accept our undying status as BEST FRIENDS FOREVER
>I shake a tree, and it ends up losing all of it's leaves
[spoiler]Now for those of you at home who have never played Animal Crossing New Leaf, after you shake a Perfect fruit tree a number of times, it dies and will drop a rotten fruit along with two perfect fruit on it's last shake.[/spoiler]
>pick up all three fruits without even thinking
>go back to PomPom to complete my quest for friendship
>she happily accepts it, tells me I'm the best friend she's ever had
>then she eats it
>"...BLECH! What is that horrible taste! Why would you trick me into eating rotten food!? I thought we were friends Anon!"
>turns out I had given her the rotten peach I picked up by mistake
>mfw when I realized it
>mfw she moves out the next day
Too sad