Admit it. Mida is a very solid gun for this "meta", and i say "meta" very lightly because i dont think there is a "meta" per se.
[spoiler]in its effective range that is (;[/spoiler]
I think that bungie making a surpising low amount of high impact snipers has definately dictated which ones are more prevalent(thousand yard stare) I also brlieve that all the attention that these posts, you-tubers, and streamers bring to weapons definately influences fighting styles and choices.
Combined makes for pretty obvious option, amiright?
The ultimate counter to snipers are and have always been scout rifles. They have the range to keep them in check unlike the rest of the weapon choices with our current balancing.
My issue with this is that i have ALOT of choices and yet... very few.
Its either High RoF with Lower impact
OR<-------[spoiler]This, is where Mida sits in comparison.[/spoiler]
Its Low RoF with High impact.
What other choices do i have if i want to use the archetype that happens to be Midas and happens to fit the way I like to fight. Im decent with pulses and hand cannons, im garbo'with auto rifles, i like shotties, and decent with sniping. But ive always like how scouts felt and operated.
What choices do i have that fit Mida's archetype?
Im beginning to love the Jade Rabbit
Covalence's duty, though its not a fast shooter like Mida, but it hits like roundhouse kicks from Chuck Norris. For sure would leave a Mida user thinking "hoooo shit, was....was...that a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris?"
I really like the Gemini now that ive used it more.
I love my NL shadow 701x. Feels a bit like a pea shooter but fires so fast. I think it lacks the impact to kick a good sniper off but average snipers are dead before they try and jump away. Its the highest RoF available.
My High Road Soldier makes the MIDA look like a joke, it's on my Hunter. Full Auto Lightweight Hidden Hand [spoiler]Sheep always follow the trend instead of being different and countering[/spoiler]
DIS-47 with Max stability wrecks Midas.
I prefer Boolean Gemini over it.
NL shadow 701x+braced frame= what's a mida?
Hung Jury is god tier.
NL Shadow FTW. NL Shadow RoF - 52, Impact 37, Stability 85, Range 56 Mida RoF - 42, Impact 38, Stability 59, Range 52 Higher reload speed and slightly higher mag size on Mida but not that big a deal. The NL Shadow is awesome if you get a good roll. The one I use has Triple Tap, Braced Frame and Third Eye and is what I used for the above stats. Very fun and deadly gun to use.
I'm not sure what other options there are, because even MIDA with its ridiculous stagger is enough to stop snipers hitting headshots on me after three consecutive headshots on them, they always get me just before that fourth bullet...
Edited by Tamed: 4/5/2016 6:18:36 AMHigh Road Soldier is the only one but you can't get it anymore. Edit: I stand corrected. Time to go grind some PoE.
My wife has both MIDA and NL Shadow. She wrecks more with the Shadow than the MIDA.
I bet you I can kill you wit a touch of malice. I was able to take out doctrines.
SUROS DIS-47 Full Auto Hand-Laid Stock Boom.
My Dis 47 kills faster than Mida
Jade rabbit is insanely good
Hung Jury, maybe even Jade Rabbit.
Edited by wwfnroaddogg: 4/5/2016 1:24:20 AMHas anyone had a shadow drop with high caliber rounds? I'd like to try that roll being the stager to snipers is a plus for me using mida. I used mida all year 1 on my hunter, made lantern maze that much easier.
Mida is the only legendary to have that archtype the other 4 shot headshot scouts do so a slower speed than mida giving it a serious advantage in 1v1 situations.
Tlaloc beats it when your super is charged
There are one or two random scouts that are rare
If you main a warlock and are ok with not using your super then the Tlaloc is a monster, but only while your super is charged, without your super it's still pretty good but can't compete with Mida unless your accuracy is good
None it is the most predictable and solid gun. That's why people use it. You can trust it will work properly. And it works great