Xbox exclusives will never happen because bungie have a contract with Sony giving only PlayStation exclusives so tough shit deal with it
And do you actually know every little detail about their contract or are you just guessing what it says exactly.
No but I have general legal knowledge that most ppl do know so just suck it up
Actually contracts can always just be ripped up. Null voided and loop holed. So (o_o)
You can't just "rip up" a contract its legal bind for a certain amount of time and not every contract has loopholes just deal with it it won't happen
Actually you can
Once the contract stops song will stop paying for all things destiny except the basic dlc. We the better community the Xbox community will then get the exclusives.
[quote]Once the contract stops Sony will stop paying for all things destiny except the basic dlc. We the better community the Xbox community will then get the exclusives.[/quote]
So what you're saying is you are a lawyer.