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Edited by cat65: 4/2/2016 1:45:14 AM

Fallen Baby Chapter 63

[b]Ever had crepes? I just tried them. I almost cried when I almost finished it. Omali, and xXHolyHaloxX's characters are in this chapter Chapter 63: Irrefutable Duty[/b] "Zavala reporting in. Hunter ambush failed thirty minutes ago. Setting in the first Titan charge." With that, the sound of Titan cut off with a static hiss. "Well shit." "Didn't peg you to cuss, Omali." Ignoring his Ghost, the Titan sat back into his seat of the cockpit. His ship thrummed with power around him as it hovered over the Venus landscape but his mind was elsewhere. He sat, contemplating things. Just...idly sitting there until the order was made to hit the ground and flush out Vala. A sudden pang hit him rephrasing Zavala's choice word. Idly. Double shit. "Well this is total shit. And I mean [i]total[/i] shit, Ghost. If you haven't forgotten, [i]I'm[/i] in the first charge." He was lucky Fervor was in with him. Drokantoro was in the second charge with some other random Titans. And then Shade was somewhere. Alice was gone to wherever she was. The Hunters were gone too...somewhere as well. Omali wrung his hands, not trusting himself at the moment. If he had chosen not to, his ship's console would have been smashed. "First Titan charge you are cleared for landing." Zavala said briefly. Screw it, Omali smashed his fist into the side of the steering wheel. The metal bent easily under his strength and he cursed when he realized what he had done. "Cussing [i]and[/i] breaking the ship? My, how you have changed my Guardian." The Ghost chirped at him, staring at the hole his fist made like it was a mystery. "Shut up and connect me to Fervor before I decide to smash you next." The smaller machine scoffed before doing as it was told. There was a few seconds of silence before the comms beeped. "Hello?" Fervor said, sounding a little peeved. Omali took a good guess as to why. "Heard the news? Let's head in." Fervor only grunted and the line went dead as Omali began to lower his ship towards the ground. As he safely landed, the Titan went stomping towards the back of the ship like a child. "Quit dragging your feet, Guardian." His Ghost said but he hardly cared for its mothering tone at the moment. As he shouldered his weapons, he sighed and stepped out of his ship. "Taking your time there, princess?" Omali yelped, jumping up at Fervor's sudden appearance and voice. The other Exo merely chuckled at his reaction before turning around and stalking into the underbrush. Omali stood there for a few seconds as if he was lost but then ran after Fervor. He didn't even see the Titan "You ready, brother?" Fervor asked, taking measures steps. "How did you get here before me?" "Not the answer I was expecting." The Exo deadpanned. "I wasn't expecting you to be here before me." Omali insisted, punching Fervor on the shoulder. The Titan only hummed in response and continued on. For a few minutes they walked in silence, only broken by sounds of their footsteps and the environment. "Call me crazy but I wish Raphaël was here. He's know how to make the atmosphere less...shitty." Omali said, groaning at how stupid it sounded. Fervor looked to him strangely, as much as an Exo could pull off, before shrugging. "Call me crazy but I think we've been a bad influence on you. 'Shit'? I think you've been hanging around Ghost a bit." Fervor replied with the most blank expression Omali had seen him. "Hey!" Omali shouted, "Ghost is a friend! Don't friends rub off on each other?" "Ok so you're telling me that Ghost is going to lose his lanky body, grow about a foot taller and be all muscly? Hot damn Omali, I think you've figured a way to change Guardians!" Omali immediately sensed the heavy leaden sarcasm. "Screw you!" "Oh no! Let me call Ikora!! Or Cayde! You'd give him a run for his money on how fast he's losing Hunters for no reason!" Roaring, Omali charged after Fervor as the Exo dashed ahead, taunting him all the while. For a few minutes, Omali chased the other Titan before stopping to flip the other off. He was clearly mad but chose to not invest on it anymore. "Hey! You two!" Both Titans froze when the unfamiliar voice called out to them. Omali turned to where he had heard it, surprised to find a few other Titans standing under the shade of a tree. [i]Oh yeah. The first charge[/i] Omali's mood immediately plunged and he put up his serious face. Fervor did the same but coughed into his fist as they approached the group. "Shit." Coughed Fervor. "Suck a lemon." Omali coughed back. Fervor only snorted before they finally reached the standing Titans. "Okay Zavala said to search around this area for any signs of the rogue Hunter. Made a clear indication to take them alive if possible. That and their [i]companion[/i]" The Titan spat the last word out like a curse. Omali stopped for a second before it hit him. Oh. [i]OH.[/i] White hot anger burned inside him at the blatant jab the naive Titan had said. How [i]dare[/i] these whelps judge Vala and Bolt like that. Like they were [i]freaks[/i] Half thinking, Omali took a step forward to give the Titan a piece of his mind but a strong hand on his shoulder made him stop. Looking to see who owned the appendage, he was met with the blank stare of Fervor. The Titan merely shook his head, knowing what Omali was feeling and trying to stop him from doing anything stupid. The anger was suddenly replaced with guilt and slight shame as Omali backed off. He shouldn't have let these feelings control over him and do something he would regret. ...maybe. "Let's go. Zavala will inform us of any other things we will have to do." With that, the group took off, lumbering through the underbrush. As quiet as he could be alongside Fervor, much more quieter than the other bumbling Titans ahead, Omali began to curse once more. Stupid Titans for making Vala seem like a freak. Stupid Vanguard acting like a bunch of shits when a Guardian acted different. Stupid him for wishing that maybe things would go smoother as time went on. Stupid duty he was forced to do. Stupid bald Zavala for liking the word idly. Stupid world Bolt was thrown in. Stupid views of the many against his kind. Stupid people not [i]giving[/i] chances. Stupid Titans running through the ground so loudly. Hadn't they ever learned from Hunters or Warlocks? They could be silent. They could at least [i]try[/i]. "Stupid shits." Omali hissed out, Fervor glancing his way and looking back ahead. "They can suck a lemon, Omali." The Exo let out a short bark of laughter at the phrase they knew so well from a certain Warlock. It felt like shit right now but at least he had Fervor to keep him somewhat sane. With that thought in mind, a new sense of purpose rested on his broad metal shoulders. Stupid Fervor for making him laugh. But it helped a lot. Friends did that for each other right?

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  • Now this, this looks like something I should read. Now I must go and dig around for part one, because this looks really, [b][i]really[/i][/b] good. [spoiler]I'm a writer as well, and this looks amazing.[/spoiler]

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