Hi Guys,
I live in Europe and i was wondering if anybody knows if the update on the 12th of April will be upon reset or later on. I'd like tot take a day off but i gotta hand it over one week before taking because of my function and other crappy rules etc.....
I live in the UK. I'll expect this download to be on at about 7-8 pm. Do not take the 12th off, take the 13th off.
Just in time after the next live stream and the match between Manchester City - PSG. CTID!
Edited by milesi564: 4/4/2016 9:24:40 AM6 o'clock normally in the uk
We're on summer hours in the UK so maybe 7 in the evening in our time zone?
8 hrs after reset, every time
It'll either be on reset or when things like iron banner drop. So if you work during the day, you'll be able to play when you get home in the eve.
Probably 10 AM Pacific US time so go from that.
Edited by Madman_ddg: 4/4/2016 9:15:01 AMProbably around 19:00........ Depending where you live
6pm gmt probably
Why waste a day off for a game i just dont get it ? Just set ur ps4/xbox to download it on its own
89:43 past 72 but in the pm not the am. Usually 10am pacific USA time, so in a world clock calculator try and work that out for your time zone.