Yes, and he happens to go by BlooMayne. :D
Weird name, sounds like a pretty nice guy.
Oh, I'm sure he is, but nice doesn't necessarily mean smart, you know?
Pretty sure he's smarter than most forum goers, but alas differing opinions throws him into the dumb category
[quote]This is satire right? Someone is legit this dumb?[/quote]
How is he dumb?
Should snipers take two shots to the head to kill? Should the rate of fire be reduced to multiple seconds? What would be a logical "nerf"?
Increased sway? Increased zoom? Increased flinch? To name a few good ones.
Increasing sway is a horrible nerf, that would mean ever sniper would have to be lucky to land shots
Lucky? If that's what you want to call it, sure.
Handling maybe? Slower lugging that thing out, zooming ect? Could work... More stagger when getting shot while scoped has beem suggested in the past as well, which wouldnt be unreasonable I dont think either (cant say how many times ive been killed/ got kills while under heavy fire that quite frankly went deserved...) Another great possibility would be sway instead of holding it perfectly still, dead centre, head level on that door way...
8/ there's snipers that have low impact and still one shot kill to the head but whatever you're the victim right? And the fire rate of sniper rifle is what keeps it balanced in other games besides this one. For the nerf figure it out yourself because I'm tired of holding hands.