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4/2/2016 2:24:03 PM
[quote]All year one people bitched and whi[b]N[/b]ed about shotguns and how they took "No skill", but now that snipers are ruling Crucibl[b]E[/b]no one wants Bungie to take that crutch away? How -blam!-ing hypocritical do you have to be, honestly, to think on weapon type [b]R[/b]equires more skill than another? "B-but anyone can use a shotgun all you have to do is point and shoot" Oh you mean that I don't have to get in close and stand at near the damn edge of the map and get kills with shotgun. Holy -blam!-ing shit I must have been using them wrong. Oh as for the logic of anyone can use them, why the -blam!- can everyone use a sniper? Why does everyone act like it's so -blam!-ing hard to use these things? "W-well obviously people were complaining about things like [b]F[/b]ound verdict, [b]F[/b]elwinter's lie, and Matador" Oh you mean like everyone is and has been complaining 1000-yard stare? Defiance of Yasmine? Just gonna ignore that are we? Because those are the snipers everyone is using right now and have had the most complaints. "B-but shotg[b]U[/b]ns were obviously broken messe[b]S[/b], they needed to be reworked" And snip[b]I[/b]ng doesn't? When the reticle d[b]O[/b]esn't work like the rest of the -blam!-ing weapons and allows you to get a head shot? Seriously, go use any other weapon in the game and let me know which one still hit where the reticle was pointing instead of its current positio[b]N[/b]. They may not be OP but they sure as hell need a looking at. "But it must take skill because you don't see people going unb[b]R[/b]oken/getting really high kill streaks that often with snipers" You didn't see many -blam!-ing people that went unbroken with a -blam!-ing shot gun or fusion r[b]I[/b]fles either. Most of the times when they did they used their primaries and other abilities to help them reach those milestones. Same goes for snipers. "You're just bad and you need to adapt to the Meta" Oh you mean like how everyone didn't adapt to shotgun/fusion ri[b]F[/b]les or any other meta? This is what I -blam!-ing hate about the community, you people are so goddamn scared of [b]L[/b]osing the weapons that you rely to heavily on to think -blam!-ing clearly and act like giant -blam!-ing hypocrites when anyone [b]E[/b]ncroaches on your weapon's territory. You all don't want balance in this game, you want your weapons to be the best and everyone else's weapons to be a big old [b]S[/b]teaming pile. You hoot and hollar about adapting, and certain weapon being unskilled, but yet half of you couldn't use a shotgun or fusion rifle to save your life and you never even tried to get better with them. Oh well, have fun "Adapting" to the new sniper changes coming on the 12th, I will enjoy watching you baddies struggle to get kills.[/quote]

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